Pending completion as of April 22, 2021
After ten years in Thailand, and roughly 13,680,000 baht spent on retail purchases while in Thailand, what's been our experience with Thai sellers?
Let's just say Amazon ain't got no worries.
We've dealt mostly with Shopee, Lazada, and AliExpress.
How do they stack up as far as reliability, trustworthiness, shipping practices, dispute handling, refunds and returns, ease of ordering and paying, receiving what you paid for, etc.?
Let's start by describing just one experience with a Shopee seller called s66xewy4p9, and then we'll move on to some really choice encounters.
But first, a snippet of a story about another Thai seller:
How about the time we received a box full of paper wads instead of the headphones we ordered? And scrawled all over the outside of the box in in big sharpie pens in red and black, and in really pretty elegant English script, were these words: "Dear Customer, you don't need to receive this item." And yes, of course I'll post the images right here.
Shoppe cancelled their seller account. But they were right back at it a few days later with a new, bogus account. That was a Chiang Mai loser. But they come from all over Thailand.
That's an absolutely true story. Did we get a refund? Yes, three months later, after hiring an attorney and threating to take the online retailer, not the individual shop, to court. We had 37 phone calls and 31 emails exchanged with Shopee before we gave up and went that route.
But surely that's a one-off, right?
No. And we've become what you might call super sensitized to the bullshit. This is actually why we're giving up on Thailand. Enough is enough.
So let's get right to the details of our encounter with s66xewy4p9 and see where that takes us, and yes, every single chat message and work product resulting from our just-filed dispute with Shopee, will be copied and pasted right here to this page:
To be completed after we've returned to the US