This page was written by the ORIGINAL owners of
TrixiePixGraphics /,
both of which were sold on December 27, 2009.
The business was sold because rampant
customer dishonesty and fraud drove us
to the very brink of homicide.
Fraud Alert
Here a thief, there a thief, everywhere a thief thief
Abhilash Prabhakar
Our best argument in favor of abortion
(and justifiable homicide)
Latest developments and tips are always at the BOTTOM of this page
Abhilash Prabhakar, Credit Card Fraudster
East Indian Scammer, Identity Thief, Con-man
Do you know this thief? If so, contact us immediately or the Mysore, India Police at:
570010 0821-2418100
$1000(USD) Reward
for information leading to the
conviction of the individual shown above
New policies in effect for International orders;
International orders will be rigorously verified.
Orders that cannot be verified will be cancelled.
The individual shown above represented himself as the owner of "LogroSoft Corp" (Miami and India). We don't yet know who this jackass really is. But we'll find out. To date LogroSoft has refused to reply or respond in any way, shape or form to repeated and insistent inquiries.
The Fiasco
Typical order from Abhilash Prabhakar shown below:
Order ID |
trixiepix-4176 |
Date |
Fri Jan 26 22:54:50 PDT 2007 |
Ship to |
Logrosoft Ltd
14 Robinson Road #13-00
Far East Finance Building
Singapore 048545
SG Singapore
6567228635 |
Delivery Signature Waiver |
yes |
yes |
Bill to |
Garry Pemberton
7 Sandford Crescent
Mandurah WA 6210
AU Australia
0429771956 |
E-Mail | (emailed) |
Via |
International |
Payment |
EXPIRES, Exp. 9/2007
Approval: 9630 Auth Code: A for up to XXXXXX
AVS: XXG (No address information (international card))
CVV: M (Code Match)
Charged XXXXXX |
Referrer | |
Rev-Share URL: |
nfirm.html |
Yahoo! Network Order: |
No |
Order XID # |
x8115990 |
Entry point | |
IP Address | |
Note that in every story this customer submitted, spelling and punctuation were utterly missing. Two out of every three words were misspelled. Every sentence ended with a word, then three or four spaces, then two periods. Grammar? Who ever heard of that! Being terminally nice, an affliction we are seeking treatment for, we went through every story and painstakingly corrected every single error, and there were thousands. We didn't attempt to make his story make sense. We just corrected the technical errors. Here's the finished version of just one of this guy's tall tales:
Born on September 21, 1980 at Bangalore, India to Mr. K.V. Prabhakar is Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, whom we were searching for the past few years — the Person who made Billions through Lotto.
Abhilash Prabhakar, from Mysore, India, enjoyed his first winnings of $10,000,000.00 on Dec 26, 2002. That was the day after Christmas, and it changed his life. After that day there was no turning back for him. But there was an another surprise for him; he became addicted to the casinos and spent most of his time at cyber cafe's. He virtually struggled for more than a year to get an account at Bank of America, as Bank of America does not permit non-US residents to open an account with them.
After getting clearance from the American Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Services, the bank finally agreed to open the account for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar. Today Abhilash Prabhakar's account is ranked as the number 2 account at Bank of America.
Sir Robert Fredrick had chosen Abhilash Prabhakar as his Legal Heir and assigned the task of searching for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar to M/s. Mark Twain Associates of Los Angeles, who in turn invested four years in discovering Prabhakar’s whereabouts.
The interesting irony was that Sir Robert Fredrick was born on Sep 21, 1912, and had started his own financial life through lotto. He was first person in Canada to win the then-record lotto amount of $25,000,000.00.
As of today his property and assets are worth of 112 billion USD, for which Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has been chosen as the legal heir.
Abhilash Prabhakar spends most of his time on computers, and he is a youthful 27 years of age. Prabhakar won the prize money through online casinos of Las Vegas. Though he maintains his accounts at prestigious institutions like Bank of America, US Bank, JP Morgan Chase, to the tune of 7 billion USD, he still lives in a small city named Mysore, India, along with his Family.
Briefly, Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar’s family consists of 6 persons including himself: his father Mr. K. V. Prabhakar, mother Jyothi Prabhakar, wife Antara Abhilash, sister Amoolya Prabhakar, and his only dear son, Darpan Abhilash.
Various companies were formed by Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, employing thousands of people all over the globe. Some of his companies are Logrosoft Ltd (United Kingdom), Logrosoft Corporation (United States of America), Logrosoft pte ltd (Singapore), Logrosoft Corporation (Marshall Islands), Symbiosis Limited (Australia). These companies were founded and formed by Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, who deals primarily in the trading of computer components, electronics, microchips and other electronic components and commodities. This information was revealed by Ms. Kate Matthews (Personal Secretary & Legal Advisor ) for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, who resides in Los Angeles, and the happy news for the United States is that Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has decided to relocate to the United States of America along with his Family by the end of February, 2007.
We hope Abhilash Prabhakar will share some of his financial luck and savvy with all of us!
Here's Prabhakar's original version of the above:
Born on September 21 1980 at Bangalore , India to Mr.K.V.Prabhakar is Mr.Abhilash Prabhakar .
Whom we were serching for past few years . The Parson who made Bilions through Lotto .
Abhilash Prabhakar from Mysore , India , won his first winings of 10,000,000,000.00 $ on Dec 26 2002 .
That was day after christmas whish changd his life , after the day there was not turn back for him , There was an another sarprise for him . He got addited to the casino's and spent most of his time at the cyber cafe's. He nearly struggle for more than a year to get an acount at Bank of America , as Bank of America does not permit an Non US
resident to open an acount with them, After geting the cleerance from Federal Bureau of Investagation and the Internal Revenue Services , Finally the Bank agreed to open the acount for Mr.Abhilash Prabhakar , Where as today Abhilash Prabhakar's acount is ranked at NO 2 place at Bank of America .
Sir Robert Fredrick , had chosen Abhilash Prabhakar as his Legal Hair and asigned a task of seerching Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar to M/s . Mark Twain Associates of Los Angeles , who in turn took 4 years to fink himk out .
The Sarprise was Sir rober Fredrick was born on Sep 21 1912 , and had started his life through lotto , He was first person in whole of canadia to win the lotto amount of 25,000,000,000.00 $ .
As of today his property or asserts are worth of 112 Billion dollars for which Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has been chosen as the legal hair .
Abhilash Prabhakar spends most of his time on computers , and he is just of 27 years of age . He won prize money through online casino's of Las Vegas . Though he maintains his acounts at Prestigious Banks like Bank of America, US Bank , JP Morgan Chase to the tune of 7 Billion united states dollars , he still lives in a small city named Mysore in India,
along with his Family .
Let me brief in a little about Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar , His family consists of 6 persons including himself .
His Father Mr .K.V.Prabhakar , Mother . Jyothi Prabhakar , Wife . Antara Abhilash , Sister .Amoolya Prabhakar
and his only dear Son . Darpan Abhilash .
There are various companies formed by Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar where thousands of people work for him all over the glob . Some of his companys are Logrosoft Ltd(United Kingdom) , Logrosoft Corporation(United States of America) , Logrosoft pte ltd(Singapore) , Logrosoft Corporation (Marshall Islands) , Symbiosis Limited (Australia) .These companies invented and formed by Mr.Abhilash Prabhakar deals in Trading of Computer components , Electronics , Micro Chips and other electronic stuff .
These information were revealed by Ms.Kate Matthews (Personal Secretary & Legal Advisor ) for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar who resides at Los Angeles ,and the Happy News for the United States is that Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has decided to move into United States of America along with his Family by the end of February 2007 .
We wish if Abhilash Prabhakar could share some of his luck with any of us .
Article by Sam Willow
Fortune Limited
All stories were of a similar theme. Was this a nutty tale? Of course it was. But if we refused to print nutty tales we'd be down to one order per year.
Being ex-law enforcement, our chances of getting to the bottom of this, and of retrieving our money, are better than average, but still poor. Our chances of locating this disgusting little thief and breaking his arms are significantly better. We always did want to visit Singapore...
Updates will be appended here:
Criminal complaint to Singapore PD:
Police Headquarters
New Phoenix Park
28 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329560
Dear sirs,
Please consider this a formal complaint of credit card fraud.
We have been receiving and filling orders for fake newspapers and fake magazines for an individual in Singapore. We are just now informed by a credit card company that at least one, and perhaps many more transactions were made using a stolen credit card.
The two pages marked “A” are the actual order documents for one of the orders.
The page marked “B” is the delivery receipt to the address in Singapore.
We have also enclosed a printout of the web page we have posted which details more of this transaction, and it includes a probable picture of the criminal, and also the text of one of his orders
We’ll cooperate in any way possible, and will provide any documentation you need. Currently, the sum of $XXXXXX (US) has been removed from our account by the credit card company and will not be replaced. It may be that many more sums will be removed in a similar fashion as more card holders realize that they have been stolen from by this individual.
The customer has represented himself as Abhilash Prabhakar. We think there’s a good chance that may be his real name, and you may well find him at the delivery address of 14 Robinson Road, #13-00, Far East Finance Building, Singapore, 048545, SG., 6567228635.
You may contact us anytime as follows:
Thank you
Update 3-22-07:
New info suggests this little shit may actually be in Mysore, India. In a stroke of luck we have a contact in India who is going to translate all of our documents for the Indian police and hand-deliver them. Things are looking up, and there is definitely a chance this thief will end up in an Indian prison. We're going to do our very, very best to make that happen. It seems this guy has a world of enemies, some of whom have chosen to rat him out. Please, keep the tips coming.
I'm a Dirty Little Thief
Do you know this man? If so, contact us immediately or the Mysore, India Police at:
570010 0821-2418100
The IP address of this thief traces back to this location in Mysore:

(This will be the location of the last hop before going straight to the physical address of the computer
Abhilash Prabhakar is using to commit credit card fraud around the world -- this should be the
location of the ISP involved, whoever that turns out to be.)
Update 3-25-07:
570010 0821-2418100
Dear sirs,
Please consider this a formal complaint of credit card fraud. We have been receiving and filling orders for fake newspapers and fake magazines for an individual in Mysore, India. We are just now informed by a credit card company that at least one, and perhaps many more transactions, were made using a stolen credit card. The orders were forwarded from a blind address in Singapore to another address in Mysore.
We have also enclosed a printout of the web page we have posted which details more of this transaction, and it includes a picture of the criminal, and also the text of one of his orders.
We’ll cooperate in any way possible, and will provide any documentation you need. Currently, the sum of $XXXXX (US) has been removed from our account by the credit card company and will not be replaced. The credit card owner in this case, a Mr. Garry Pemberton, of Australia, has already been reimbursed for this theft. We are now the only victims. We want the sum of $XXXXXX from Abhilash Prabhakar.
It may be that many more sums will be removed from our account by the bank in a similar fashion as more card holders realize that they have been stolen from by this Abhilash Prabhakar. We know that Abhilash Prabhakar now resides in Mysore, India, and that he is actively showing our products to people in the Mysore area. We do not yet have his address but we expect it soon. It seems there are a number of other people in Mysore hoping to bring charges against this individual for other crimes as well.
In the U.S. this sum makes this a Felony crime. We hope the magnitude of this theft is taken just as seriously in your region. You may contact us anytime as follows:
Thank you 3-14-07
Update 3-26-07:
We have tracked Abhilash Prabhakar to a specific house in Mysore. He had only been there a few days and was evicted for other crimes and nonsense before we could get someone to him. We don't yet know where he has moved to, but we trust our readers to keep us informed. It's only a matter of time before our associates finally catch up to him. We're sick and tired of thieves. Seriously. We've had enough.
Our advice to Abhilash Prabhakar: Pay us what you owe us. Pay us now. This is only going to get worse for you, and it won't end well..
Update 3-30-07:
As of 3-30-07 Abhilash Prabhakar was using a Cielo car bearing the registration No. KA -01 MB 236. We don't yet know if he owns it, rents it, borrowed it, or stole it. It seems we are always just one step behind this thief. Sooner or later we'll catch up. The Singapore police have informed us that they are very active on this case, at least insomuch as they hope to find and prosecute whoever forwards stolen goods from Singapore to Mysore, India. We hope the Indian police are even half as efficient and professional as the Singapore PD. Should we hold our breath?.
Update 3-30-07:
It appears this crook has finally seen his mug-shot on this website. We just received the following from him. We've decided to increase the reward to $1000. For those of you who enjoy tracking thieves and collecting rewards, here's the header data, and the email text appears below. Here's a guy who will sooner or later end up in prison, who has been caught red-handed, who admits in writing to being caught, and he STILL thinks he can be a smart-ass.
From Abhilash Prabhakar to us on 3-30-07:
Hey You ,
You want your money , i will pay up your money , just remove the shit from the website . as soon as you remove the shit , ur money will be paid to you.
What Prabhakar doesn't seem to "get" is that he has no bargaining chips and we don't make deals with thieves. We know for a FACT that he barely has the money to eat (because he's lazy and won't work) and he has absolutely no way to pay us. We will sooner or later put him in jail, we will sooner or later talk to him face to face, and he will ALSO have to pay us what he owes under penalty of going back to jail if he does not. This means he will eventually have to get a JOB (oh, the horror). This web page will remain posted even after he's paid us, and even after he's in jail, even after he's out, and even after he's dead and gone. Paying will, however, cause the judge to PERHAPS give him a little less time in the Big House. We have all the time in the world, and unlimited patience. Seldom has a thief gotten to us to this degree. Our advice to this sociological blank: "Turn yourself in; pay us in full; apologize publicly. When those conditions are met we'll append a final update to this page which reads 'Case Closed'. That's the best you'll ever get from us. You've made the mistake of your life; now learn to live with it". It's ironic to note that had this crook been genuinely apologetic, polite, sincerely repentant, we might have considered some sort of break for him. But we have no patience whatsoever with smart-mouth punks. We hate them probably more than we hate thieves. He has only dug his hole deeper. This guy will never learn, and we predict that sooner or later he'll screw the wrong guy in India, and someone will off him with no regrets.
Update 3-30-07:
To:, fraud division
This is to advise you of an individual, one Abhilash Prabhakar, who is using a gmail account for the purpose of credit card fraud.
He's into us for nearly $----------- at this point, with the amount expected to go higher as more credit card holders discover that he's been stealing from them. He's currently located in Mysore, India, with all communications so far coming from, but has been having stolen goods shipped through Singapore to Mysore. We've filed complaints with the Singapore police, who are hot on the case, and with the Mysore police. We suggest that there's probably a great deal of data regarding illegal transactions that could be gleaned from turning copies of his gmail emails over to the Mysore PD -- it might be a veritable treasure trove of criminal activities. The perp is representing himself as the owner of LogroSoft Corp. We have posted a page with many details, including the header data from at least one of his emails, as well as the order documents on at least one of the fraudulent orders. Here's the link to that page:
If you have any info on this guy please forward it to the Mysore, India police, and it wouldn't hurt to CC Singapore PD, and of course we'll always appreciate all we can get as well. Obviously we want this guy badly and we won't stop until we get him. We are receiving tips and reports from his "fans" in India almost daily. --Seems folks all around the world are sick of thieves.
Update 3-31-07:
Additional complaint has been filed with this office partnered with the FBI explicitly for Internet fraud:
We'll also file directly with the FBI and with INS (immigrations) and U.S. Customs so he'll be flagged if he ever tries to enter the U.S.. On Monday we'll file with Interpol.
Update 3-31-07:
Abhilash Prabhakar's IP traces back to the following ISP. Curious that they're in Australia, which is the location of at least two of Abhilash Prabhakar's victims. His victims probably run into the hundreds worldwide, and we're betting that as more and more people find this page the heat on this punk will become unbearable. A complaint is going out to this ISP with the urgent suggestion that they turn over all IP records to the Mysore PD and get the account shut down. We'd like to know who owns the computer and/or the access account that Abhilash Prabhakar is using to do all this stuff. That person(s) may well find themselves partially liable, both financially and criminally, for allowing Abhilash Prabhakar to use their equipment and account for theft and fraud. We seem to recall that this ISP is not an actual, physical service provider, and that we'll need to do a little more digging to drill down to the right company, but we'll start shaking trees with them and see what falls out.
OrgName: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
Address: PO Box 2131
City: Milton
StateProv: QLD
PostalCode: 4064
Country: AU
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-202-0-0-0-1
NetType: Allocated to APNIC
NameServer: NS1.APNIC.NET
NameServer: NS3.APNIC.NET
NameServer: NS4.APNIC.NET
RegDate: 1994-04-05
Updated: 2005-05-20
OrgTechHandle: AWC12-ARIN
OrgTechName: APNIC Whois Contact
OrgTechPhone: +61 7 3858 3100
Update 3-31-07:
We've discovered that Abhilash has a history of talking his way into large rental homes, from which he attempts to run cons and scams. Since he has NO MONEY he gets evicted from house after house. That makes it hard to track him, but it also leaves a trail of extremely angry victims who all want to see this sociopath in prison and who are only too happy to turn in tips.
Update 3-31-07:
Sent all data on Abhilash to both credit card companies involved.
Update 3-31-07:
Sent data packets to both offices of LogroSoft. It would be in LogroSoft's best interests to finally respond to us so we can stop wondering if they are somehow complicit in this fraud. If they are not part of the equation they'll undoubtedly want to go after Abhilash for identity theft. Since they have an office in Mysore they're in an excellent position to force charges to be filed.
USA LogroSoft Inc.
11281 NW 42 Terrace
Miami, FL 33178
Phone: 305-298-6849
INDIA LogroSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
2742/1A, 2nd floor, Temple Road,
V.V Mohalla, Mysore 570002, India
Phone: 91-821-2343736 / 4287776 / 4287770
Update 3-31-07:
This is the physical ISP that's allowing Prabhakar to use its equipment for the purpose of International fraud. Through them we can obtain the physical address of the computer that Prabhakar is using. Won't they be thrilled to see us!
inetnum: -
netname: KARNET
descr: Service provider
country: IN
admin-c: MA275-AP
tech-c: MA275-AP
mnt-by: APNIC-HM
mnt-lower: MAINT-IN-KARNET
remarks: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
remarks: This object can only be updated by APNIC hostmasters.
remarks: To update this object, please contact APNIC
remarks: hostmasters and include your organisation's account
remarks: name in the subject line.
remarks: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
changed: 20051129
source: APNIC
descr: KARNET
origin: AS18105
country: IN
changed: 20051219
changed: 20051221
source: APNIC
person: Manoj Kumar Agarwal
nic-hdl: MA275-AP
address: Karuturi Networks Ltd,
address: #401, Embassy center,
address: #11, crescent road,
address: Bangalore, India.
address: Pin-560001
phone: +91-802-2257-470
fax-no: +91-802-2259-782
country: IN
changed: 20051125
source: APNIC
Service provider
Manoj Kumar Agarwal
Karuturi Networks Ltd,
#401, Embassy center,
#11, crescent road,
Bangalore, India.
phone: +91-802-2257-470
fax: +91-802-2259-782
Manoj Kumar Agarwal
Karuturi Networks Ltd,
#401, Embassy center,
#11, crescent road,
Bangalore, India.
phone: +91-802-2257-470
fax: +91-802-2259-782
Updated: 29-Nov-2005 by
Update 4-2-07:
We've sent the documentation in this case to a Mysore publication called the "Star of Mysore". With luck they'll expose this story locally and put pressure on the Mysore police to jail and prosecute this thief.
Link to Star of Mysore
TO: Star of Mysore
Academy Newspapers Pvt. Ltd.
15-C, Industrial 'A' Layout,
Mysore - 570015
We have recently been the victim of an International credit card fraudster and we have tracked him to Mysore, India. His name is Abhilash Prabhakar. He was using stolen credit cards to have merchandise sent from locations around the world to a blind address in Singapore, then on to Mysore. The Singapore police are trying to crack this ring at this very moment. The Mysore police have not yet responded to our complaints. We have documented a great deal of information and have posted it at the following URL:
This individual is very active, and he has assumed the identity of the owner of Logrosoft Corporation in Mysore (with offices supposedly in Miami). At first we thought Logrosoft was another victim in this; however, since Logrosoft will not respond to us, we find ourselves wondering if they are part of this ring.
Abhilash Prabhakar has been trying to pass himself as an extremely rich "playboy" in Mysore by contracting to rent or purchase expensive houses and moving in to them. From those locations he perpetrates grand scams and schemes. He is always evicted within a few weeks or days as he has no money to pay for these houses.
This is a bad individual who is causing a great deal of harm to the Mysore community and around the world. He has cheated us of a considerable sum, and we have posted a $1000USD reward for information leading to his arrest and conviction.
If you would like to look into this matter we will be happy to supply any documentation you request, however the bulk of it has already been posted at the url shown above. We have held back certain information which we may or may not divulge publicly.
This type of criminal is not good for Mysore, or for India's world image in general. We hope this criminal is caught and stopped soon.
Thank you,
Office Locations - Mysore
City Offices:
K. R. Circle, Vishveshwaraiah Bldg.,
3Rd Floor, Mysore.
Phone: (91)(821)2431774
D. Deveraj Urs Road
Mysore - 570001.
Phone: (91)(821)2448695
Main Office:
Academy Newspapers Pvt. Ltd.
15-C, Industrial 'A' Layout,
Mysore - 570015
Phone: (91)(821)2496520, 2496521, 2496523, 2496525
Send email to (Voice Of the Reader)
Update 4-2-07:
New information: Prabhakar does not appear to currently own a computer, but uses "Internet Cafes" and computers owned by "acquaintances" (we doubt he has any friends). We have reason to believe that his parents have direct knowledge of Abhilash Prabhakar's illegal activity; we know that Prabhakar's father actively participates in "setting up" unwary landlords. We know that the father, K. V. Prabhakar (if you know the father's full name please send us that) actively uses the fake newspapers and fake magazines that Abhilash stole from us to try to run cons and establish various credit accounts with landlords and others in and around Mysore, India. The entire family moves from scammed house to scammed house with Prabhakar. They prefer homes that come complete with servants and drivers. We're soliciting more pictures of Prabhakar. We'd also like pictures of the parents, their house, any house Prabhakar ends up living in, his car, friends, associates, employers (if he ever gets a real job), girlfriends, relatives, you name it. If you're sick and tired of shysters, thieves, con-artists, scammers, and those dirty little vermin who leech and steal and suck us dry, of those nasty parasites who drain the life-blood from every society and every decent, honorable, hard-working man and woman in the world, please help us expose just one of these stinking chiggers and send us anything you can on this guy and his ring.
Once again, for the record, what will it take for us to stamp this page "Case Closed"?
1. Abhilash Prabhakar will turn himself in to the Mysore police and confess to these crimes.
2. Abhilash Prabhakar will provide information to the Singapore police regarding the ring that forwards stolen goods to him in Mysore.
3. Abhilash Prabhakar will pay for everything he has stolen from us (there's no total yet as we're still finding his fraudulent orders in our archives going back through 2006) (Abhilash Prabhakar may be the only one who knows for sure how much he's taken us for).
4. Abhilash Prabhakar will apologize publicly and make us believe he means it.
These items are non-negotiable. Failing fulfillment of these requirements we'll document Abhilash Prabhakar's whereabouts and activities for the rest of his life. Got tips? We'll post all the verified info we can get.
Update 4-3-07:
We've dug another of Abhilash Prabhakar's tall tales from archives. There are more to come. But this selection may be pivotal in that Abhilash Prabhakar appears to have revealed his birthdate. That allows any law enforcement agency anywhere, and ourselves as well, to be far more effective in tracking any criminal. Thanks Abhilash! Abhilash Prabhakar's story follows; this story is featured in one of the fake magazines Prabhakar stole from us:
Born on September 21, 1980 at Bangalore, India to Mr. K.V. Prabhakar is Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, whom we were searching for the past few years — the Person who made Billions through Lotto.
Abhilash Prabhakar, from Mysore, India, enjoyed his first winnings of $10,000,000.00 on Dec 26, 2002. That was the day after Christmas, and it changed his life. After that day there was no turning back for him. But there was an another surprise for him; he became addicted to the casinos and spent most of his time at cyber cafe's. He virtually struggled for more than a year to get an account at Bank of America, as Bank of America does not permit non-US residents to open an account with them.
After getting clearance from the American Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Services, the bank finally agreed to open the account for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar. Today Abhilash Prabhakar's account is ranked as the number 2 account at Bank of America.
Sir Robert Fredrick had chosen Abhilash Prabhakar as his Legal Heir and assigned the task of searching for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar to M/s. Mark Twain Associates of Los Angeles, who in turn invested four years in discovering Prabhakar’s whereabouts.
The interesting irony was that Sir Robert Fredrick was born on Sep 21, 1912, and had started his own financial life through lotto. He was first person in Canada to win the then-record lotto amount of $25,000,000.00.
As of today his property and assets are worth of 112 billion USD, for which Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has been chosen as the legal heir.
Abhilash Prabhakar spends most of his time on computers, and he is a youthful 27 years of age. Prabhakar won the prize money through online casinos of Las Vegas. Though he maintains his accounts at prestigious institutions like Bank of America, US Bank, JP Morgan Chase, to the tune of 7 billion USD, he still lives in a small city named Mysore, India, along with his Family.
Briefly, Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar’s family consists of 6 persons including himself: his father Mr. K. V. Prabhakar, mother Jyothi Prabhakar, wife Antara Abhilash, sister Amoolya Prabhakar, and his only dear son, Darpan Abhilash.
Various companies were formed by Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, employing thousands of people all over the globe. Some of his companies are Logrosoft Ltd (United Kingdom), Logrosoft Corporation (United States of America), Logrosoft pte ltd (Singapore), Logrosoft Corporation (Marshall Islands), Symbiosis Limited (Australia). These companies were founded and formed by Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, who deals primarily in the trading of computer components, electronics, microchips and other electronic components and commodities. This information was revealed by Ms. Kate Matthews (Personal Secretary & Legal Advisor ) for Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar, who resides in Los Angeles, and the happy news for the United States is that Mr. Abhilash Prabhakar has decided to relocate to the United States of America along with his Family by the end of February, 2007.
We hope Abhilash Prabhakar will share some of his financial luck and savvy with all of us!
Update 4-3-07:
And yet another of Abhilash Prabhakar's stolen products.
Update 4-4-07:
Additional IP used by Abhilash Prabhakar on 12-28-2006 at 23:45:33 PDT:
This IP traces to the same physical address as all others.
Update 4-11-07:
A great deal of new info, gleaned from various sources around the world (it pays to retain old law enforcement contacts!). LogroSoft, at least the LogroSoft that was registered in Singapore, appears to be a dummy company set up by Abhilash Prabhakar for the express purpose of trying to appear credible so as to carry out various scams around the world. The Singapore LogroSoft had been previously registered through Pacific Centennial Group, a virtual secretariat office located at 14 Robinson Road #13-00 Far East Finance Building, Singapore, in which case, the latter is a legitimate company whose main line of business is offering virtual secretariat services in Singapore. Logrosoft Ltd, at least in Singapore, is no longer in operation and had since been de-registered. If anyone reading this has been scammed by Prabhakar and have forwarded goods to him via Singapore, we suggest contacting one Ms Nina Kosasih via email:, as she may be able to stop the transshipment of goods stolen or fraudulently obtained by Prabhakar and/or his criminal ring, which she has apparently been able to do in our case. Unfortunately in our case, much of the stolen goods did get through to Prabhakar in Mysore, India, and the items that are being held in Singapore are customized, one-of-a-kind products such as fake newspapers, and cannot be restocked or resold even if retrieved. Prabhakar was routinely directing the unknowing folks at Pacific Centennial Group to transship his stolen merchandise to the following address in Mysore, and these shipments were frequent and may number in the thousands. These data were accurate as of early 2007, and this explains why "LogroSoft-Singapore" refused to respond to us, however no other LogroSoft office around the world has replied to us either, so that leaves them all suspect in our minds:
Abhilash Prabhakar
1332 Aashirwaad Vijaynagar
1st Stage
Mysore, Karnataka
India 570017
Home Phone: 9108214246399
Mobile Phone: 919986889984
Registered "corporate" email addresses:
NRIC / Passport: E3908344
Date of birth: 21-09-1980 (Sept. 21, 1980 -- agrees with DOB above)
Business Name used by Prabhakar when registering through Pacific Centennial Group:
Prabhakar has registered another mail forwarding address as:
See small list of scammer's emails here.
Update 4-15-07:
Unverified report (IP of sender traces to the GENERAL Bangalore area) suggests Abhilash Prabhakar now lives in Bangalore, Jayanagar, at 12B Brigade Gardens Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore, 560011. We stress that this address is UNVERIFIED (so far). If anyone can verify or refute this address please do so.
Update 4-17-07:
It's looking as though the above info may have come from our stink-bug, Prabhakar. If anyone knows what's at the above address, please let us know. It's confirmed that the address below was indeed occupied by this shit-bird, but it's two or three addresses old now. We wonder how much Abhilash Prabhakar stole from these property owners in passing through their lives like a foul wind. The Mysore police are going to have to wake up and get this loser off the street -- unless, of course, they're on the take too.
Abhilash Prabhakar
1332 Aashirwaad Vijaynagar
1st Stage
Mysore, Karnataka
India 570017
Update 4-22-07:
Our document packet to the Mysore, India Police has been received back in the USA, marked "returned, unclaimed", which probably explains why our thief is not sitting in an Indian prison just yet. We will better research the appropriate address and re-ship the packet.
Update 10-07-07:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
1110 3rd Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
This is a formal complaint against one Abhilash Prabhakar.
This individual operates a large credit card fraud scheme from his current home in Mysore, India. He traditionally has used a company in Singapore to have large amounts of merchandise shipped to from the US. They had been forwarding this merchandise on to Mysore – until we exposed him. This person ordered a significant amount of merchandise from us. We were alerted when the chargebacks started flowing in from angry Australian customers whose cards this little puke had been stealing and using.
We trailed Abhilash Prabhakar to Mysore, India, and tracked him to several specific addresses in and around Mysore, but he only stayed at each one for a few days at a time as he knew we were tracking him. The Singapore PD has been very helpful (no surprise). The Mysore police have been singularly unhelpful (no surprise).
The attached 18 page packet includes all or most of the info we have on this guy. He’s doing relatively big business around the world, and has set up quite a number of dummy corporations even in the US (Miami), from which he tricks investors into sending him money. He generally cons his way into very large mansions in India (stables, chauffeurs, Roll’s, servants, the works), but seldom stays longer than a few weeks or a few months, as folks soon catch on and evict him. The attached document provides his last know addresses, last known cell numbers, his passport number, his picture, and a good deal more data. Please ask if you need something specific that is not included. We’ve enclosed a print-out of our website about this crook.
Suffice it to say we want his ass on a stick and we'll never, ever stop..
[signature] /
CC: Homeland Security