Mirrors are encouraged (see details below).
Copyright (c) 2006 All Rights ReservedHP Hewlett Packard Financial Services, Corporate Spies, Spying;
Review of Hardware and Software, Our experiencesBut what do we REALLY think of HP and it's virtually non-existent support?
Well say hallo to our liddo friend (about 2 megs .wmv)This editorial contains and includes opinions regarding
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974Hewlett Packard Corporation and HP Financial Services
POB 402582, Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582New development: If, after reading this page, you are STILL not convinced of HP's utter lack of honesty and professionalism, read this.
Should you buy an HP product?
No, Nyet, Nay, Nos, Never. Not bloody ever!
And here's why:
Welcome to Hewlett Packard Sucks (HP Sucks)
NOTE: 3-27-06
This page has been re-written from the ground up, expanded, and clarified so as to be clear and comprehensive throughout. It has been sent to our First Amendment attorney, Elena Garella, for final approval. We expect to recieve the copy back any day, at which time it will be reposted as this domain (Hewlett-Packard-Sucks.com). This page had been posted on a ServePath server for several years, during which time Hewlett Packard apparently tried just about every sleazy legal trick they could think of to get this material removed. When those attempts failed, HP adopted a new tactic which involved essentially tricking ServePath into removing the content. ServePath, not being the brightest bulbs in the string, didn't even bother to find out if this content was legal, actionable, and permissable, but when asked to JUMP by HP, ServePath simply replied, "How high?" We immediately made arrangements to move ALL of our business away from ServePath. They then, immediately, wrote to us and asked if we could just "talk about all this", insinuating they'd made a mistake. By that time, however, we were disgusted, and simply pulled the plug on that band of boobs.
NOTE: 7-24-06
This content now resides on servers around the world. We fully expect HP to again begin a campaign of what is, in our view, harassment, aimed at somehow, in any way possible, regardless of legality or morality, removing this document from public view. However, if they succeed by trickery or deceit in shutting down one server, the content will simply be activated on another of a number of mirrors. The People (you) have a RIGHT to this data.
This document has spent the past four months being painstakingly scrutinized by the best 1st Amendment people in America (our opinion!). Every sentence, every phrase, every word has been scrupulously studied and approved for public consumption. THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT AND ANY ATTEMPT TO HAVE IT REMOVED FROM PUBLIC VIEW WILL BE CONSTRUED AS AN ACT OF CRIMINAL HARASSMENT AND WILL BE DEALT WITH AS SUCH. Our suggestion to HP would be to stop giving us information to disseminate. Simple, right? Not to HP.
So without further ado, the material below represents our experiences with, and opinions of HP (Hewlett Packard) and HP Financial Services:
Does HP "suck"?
Yes. In spades.
HP sucks, it blows, it hurls, it is an insult to decency and professionalism. It is a pimple on the butt of competent business. HP is......the scum of the Earth.
Copyright (c) 2004 All Rights Reserved
This editorial contains and includes our opinions regarding
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974Hewlett Packard Corporation and HP Financial Services
POB 402582, Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582--------------------------------------------------
Should you buy an HP product?
No, Nyet, Nay, Nos, Never. Not bloody ever!
And here's why:
In our view, based on many years experience, HP is a poorly run company producing barely useable products, mostly because of glitchy, unreliable, poorly engineered software and drivers, but to a lesser degree due to hardware which is declining in quality. Be that as it may, HP's biggest problem lies in its nearly non-existent support. Add to that a total lack of suitable financing through HP's financial arm, "HP Financial Services out of Atlanta and New Jersey", and you have the makings for a company which, if it doesn't change its ways, may be headed for a total corporate collapse.
This doc-set describes our experiences with HP's software, support, and hardware. The real meat of this endeavor, however, focuses on the worst (bar-none), most unreliable, most dishonest, unprofessional and downright scurrilous company we've ever attempted to do business with. We've owned businesses in three countries and most states west of the Mississippi. We've seen businesses so shoddily run that their practices make one physically cringe. But HP Financial Services beats them all, hands down, combined, and by an order of magnitude. Our appraisal of this rotten-to-the-core financial enterprize is contained herein.
We're often asked, "What brand of printers are best?"
Every printing business in the world needs to be able to obtain the highest quality and most reliable printers at the most competetive prices to stay in business, and every printing company in the world needs good software and reliable support for those printers. Virtually every human being on the planet uses printed materials, so the question is important---and valid.
The answer is important and valid too -- though it isn't short or simple.
We've owned and used in business every major and minor brand of printer made or imported into North America since 1982. You'd think that would leave us in a position to know what was "best". Not so..
After horrendous disappointment using Canon products we dumped them. They make great cameras. Their printers suck rotten eggs. After tiring of paper feed problems, weak construction and driver glitches we dumped Epson also. Kodak printers haven't proven much better. Xerox has its problems---except that they seem to have at least figured out how to feed paper properly.
We were never keen on HP products. We've consistently had trouble with their computers, and we've experienced paper feed problems with every single (bar-none) HP printer we've ever owned which featured a paper feed mechanism. HP is also famous and renowned for its glitchy drivers, and we dare you to navigate their websites.
Still, we felt, for some unknown reason, that it might be important to stick with one manufacturer. Since HP offered the broadest range of products, we eventually decided upon HP. We bought HP computers, HP All-in-One machines, HP scanners, little HP printers, big, wide-format HP printers, HP peripherals, and we religiously bought only HP consumables (papers, inks, etc.). Our loyalty was total, though in retrospect, we can't imagine why.
Our first consideration in choosing hardware is the capability and durability of said hardware. With one exception we were not often disappointed in HP's printer hardware. HP scanners, computers, laptops and other peripherals are another story. What's the one "exception" noted above? It is that we have trouble with virtually every single HP printer's paper path. We do not experience this trouble with Xerox, and we experience it to a lesser degree with other major brands. We've begun to wonder if the same shoddy engineer has been designing the paper paths on all HP printers for the last 15 years. If so, he or she needs to be rooted out and FIRED. Otherwise, HP printers have held up for us, mechanically, and have produced reasonable (not great) print.
Unfortunately, all printers need printer drivers, and this is the first area in which HP falls flat on their collective faces. If their printer hardware gets four stars out of five, their drivers and software earn barely one star. Perhaps HP designs their print drivers to be problematic so that the user will ruin reams and rolls of media with unexpected results, so HP can sell more paper. HP drivers are simply the worst. If you're not insane or apoplectic before you begin trying to run a print shop on HP's drivers, you will be shortly thereafter. We guarantee it.
But bad software can be offset by good support, right? Sure it can, at least to a degree. Unfortunately, HP's support is worse than their software. For all intents and purposes, we found HP support to be virtually non-existent. Note that over a roughly five month period in 2003, we could not entice HP to reply to us ONE TIME, no matter how many times we demanded a reply by registered mail. Finally, in profound exasperation, we served them with a notice of intent to file suit. HP then replied and solved the relatively simple matter (a batch of bad toner cartridges). Why did it require dozens of registered letters and threats of lawsuits to obtain this stupefying simple fix? Because that's simply how HP does business. Here are just a few paragraphs we've fired off to HP in a fit of apoplexy, demanding that they support their product:
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185 USAThis request for technical support comes to your address because we are unable to contact tech support using the HP website. The HP website is utterly famous for not working, and for being, generally, of little or no value. This will be a factor in our decisions as to whether or not to continue to buy HP printers for our business. We ask that this request be forwarded to the appropriate department. This comes to you with delivery confirmation, number 0103 8555 7490 9081.
Re: our HP Laserjet 5500DN, purchased new, ser. #XXXXXXXXX:
When the printer is cold, it prints multi-colored speckled bands across all pages, edge to edge, with no margin (full bleed) (see samples enclosed). We are forced to run no less than 40 sheets through it before print clears up. Once fully warmed up in this manner, print will remain clear until printer is allowed to cool down again. We must do this every time we use the printer, even if it has not been used for two hours. We've researched this on the net and have concluded that it is almost certainly due to faulty (possibly leaking) toner cartridges. Everyone who has experienced this problem with this specific printer says it stops when new cartridges are installed (we're using the cartridges that came with the printer new, which are about 60% full). No phone calls, please---email only. We like things in writing.
Because of this problem, this printer has been of extremely limited use to us. We are not willing to continue to struggle with this printer if the problem cannot be solved. It is a lease, and if you are unwilling to make it work correctly, you may simply pick it up.
When we received NO REPLY to the above, we tried again:
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185 USAProof of Delivery: USPS-010385557492
Re: our HP Laserjet 5500DN, purchased new, ser. #JPEK001236(1) We began having trouble with this printer immediately upon purchase. The attached letter, dated 1-4-04, describes the problem fully. That letter included a set of sample pages; a new set of sample pages is enclosed herewith.
(2) We began attempting to contact support via the HP website; however, as this website is world renown for not working, we were unable to make contact with support in this manner.
(3) On 1-4-04, now thoroughly dusgusted (read: angry) we wrote to HP demanding that a solution be found (see attached dated 1-4-04).
(4) We received a written reply from HP which, of course, made no attempt whatsoever to address the problem, but directed us to call the HP support line at 800-756-0608 and use option #7. That letter was dated 1-16-04 and we received it on 1-20-04.
(5) Since 1-20-04 we have called this number repeatedly. In no instance have we been able to speak with a live person, but have, in every case, been forwarded to voicemail. We clearly left our number for a return call. We repeated our number several times for clarity. We continued to call this number repeatedly over the next days, up until 1-28-04. In no instance, on no occasion, have we received a return call from HP. Surprise.
(6) Failing a resolution of this problem by 2-13-04, we will cease making payments on this printer. The regular payment amounts will be sent to our attorney for placement in a trust account pending resolution of this problem.
Perhaps that will get HP’s attention and convince them to begin supporting their products. For the record, we can be reached at XXXXXXXXXX, generally from 12 noon to 10 p.m. Pacific time.
In growing disgust and contempt,
1-28-04CC: Attorney General; Better Business Bureau; Posted to Internet
We did finally receive a reply to the above letter, and the problem was corrected (HP supplied a set of toner cartridges to replace the faulty series). Why couldn't they have done this MONTHS before? We don't know.
If Hp hardware gets four stars, and HP software gets one flickering star, HP support gets half a star. It is so bad, in our view, should qualify for the term "criminal".
We've endured numerous problems with HP like the one described above -- far too many to count or remember. Those problems in and of themsevles would have been enough to begin steering us away from HP products. But we were to glean an insight into how the company works internally, through HP Financial Services, and our experiences with those outrageous folks makes us run in terror from any suggestion of ever doing business with HP again.
If Hp hardware gets four stars, and HP software gets one flickering star, HP support gets half a star. It is so bad, in our view, should qualify for the term "criminal".
It naturally follows that most businesses who buy high-end printers and other hardware want to lease or otherwise finance them. We like leases if the terms are right. We especially like the $1 buy-out leases from HP. We get some insurance perks by leasing, some marginal tax benefits, and it's an easy way to get into some equipment we might not otherwise use.
HP offers its own financing through a division called "HP Financial Services" (see address above) in New Jersey.
Now listen carefully: If HP's hardware gets four stars, and HP's software gets barely one star, and HP's support gets half a star, then HP's financial services gets MINUS ONE HUNDRED STARS.
Is that a harsh appraisal? We couldn't think of harsher terminology without lapsing into a fit of obscenities, foaming at the mouth, and the like.
This outfit (HP Financial Services) is, in our view, THE most, bar-none, unprofessional, lackadaisical, dishonest, incompetent, worthless, valueless, dumb and stupidly-run company in operation on the planet today. It's an abyss of chaos, backwardness and evil. Let us document our case, below.
The reader should understand a few things at the outset: (1) We bought 4 pieces of HP equipment that were financed through HP Financial Services, (2) All payments, every single one without exception, was paid out by our bank or was debited automatically from our accounts; in no case did we ever make payments by hand-written check except to replace checks HP Financial had lost, and in those cases we sent the checks by registered mail, (3) We have never been so much as one day late on any payment to HP Financial Services; this is a fact which HP Financial Services no longer disputes. Every single payment was sent to HP Financial Services early, often as much as two months early, and we certainly have the records to prove that.
The letters shown below, to HP Financial Services, begin at a point significantly into our troubles with this company. For several years prior to the letters below we had been fighting with HP Financial Services to stop them from trying to collect "late fees" they were not entitled to, or to once and for all get our address correct (this took roughly two years of registered letters), etc. etc. ad nauseam. At the point of the first letter shown below we had already concluded that HP Financial Services was utterly insane, from the bottom to the top, and we could barely mask our outrage, contempt, amazement and hatred. Sometimes, by this point, we didn't even try. The documents represented below may be whole or partial docs, to keep the reading to a minimum:
Hewlett Packard Financial Svcs
Compaq Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ, 07974Overnight Express EO000864908US
Enclosed you will find check number 6416 in the amount of $234.45.
This check is being sent to you because, for the second month in a row, you have apparently LOST the original check! Last month, you finally found it (oh silly you!). This month, you cannot seem to be capable of finding it at all. So we have stopped payment on the original check (#6413, issued on 8-3 and mailed on 8-4-03). Your incompetence has cost us $26 for the stop payment fee, plus whatever late charge you assess to this. While you may have “accidentally” misplaced our check last month for two weeks, we simply do not believe that you could be that stupid, inefficient, incompetent and lackadaisical two months in a row. Or could you.
This comes to you by overnight express so we will have the means to PROVE you actually received it.
This account is set up with an automatic pay system. Checks to make the lease payments on this printer are issued from a financial institution. The institution guarantees (in writing) that they provide proof of delivery. This means, folks, that the next time you pull this crap, we will send YOU a bill for the time it takes us to straighten it out. Think we won’t? Just keep on thinking that. What’s that, you say? You won’t pay? That’s what small claims court is for, and trust us when we say we are versed in its use, even from across the country. We will track every minute of the time spent straightening out your stupid mistakes, and we will sue you by proxy and recover every cent. Oh---you won’t pay the judgment? Then we’ll attach your property until you do pay..
We wouldn’t be ten percent this angry had we not endured a most unpleasant interaction with one of your people today. You started calling us a week or more [ago] about this late payment---I recall it was on the 11th (the day after the due date). You left a message and we called back within the hour. Of course you could not be reached (surprise) so we left a message asking for you to call and tell us what the problem was. You did call, but instead of telling us what the problem was, you simply left another message asking for a return call. We called back again, but of course you weren’t available. So, once again, we asked you to call us back, and if you reached our voice mail, to actually tell us what the problem was. So what did you do? You called and left yet another message asking for a return call, with no explanation. We called you back again, but of course you weren’t available---so we left a rather pointed message at 888-254-0006, ext. 6830. In response, some little pencil-neck jerk called us back and in a voice snippety enough to cost him some teeth in the real world, and he advised us that our complaints about not being called back were unfounded because, he said, we HAD been called back (and he rattled off the dates).
Well, just a minute here! Are ALL of your people brain-dead? Our complaint was not that you didn’t call back, it was that when you did call back you wouldn’t leave a message that explained anything! If your people are going to act like this, we’ll find another company next time we need commercial-sized printers.
It happens that we are stand-up people. If we do something wrong or make a mistake, we’ll own up to it, apologize profusely, and make it right. But we did nothing wrong in this case, nothing, and we’re damned angry that we’re being penalized for it!
Hewlett Packard Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582Proof of delivery #210385574916328
Attached find two sheets indicating two “late” charges on lease number XXXXXXXXXXXX.
Be advised that we have advised your office of a change of address over and over and over, both by email, and by registered mail. Once again, for the record, via registered mail, our current billing address is as follows:
XXXXXXXXXIn point of fact, you did receive the payments on time, and this is documentable through our bank. You merely applied them to the wrong account(s). Since the payments were made on time, and since it was your decision, not ours, to post them to an incorrect account, we are not willing to pay late charges. You may, of course, go ahead and remove the $32.76 from our account [for late fee charges], at which time we may, of course, appeal to your state’s attorney general’s office, and we may file in small claims court by proxy to recover such funds, among other things.
Please note: If we receive one more bill addressed to our old and invalid address, we will send you yet another notification of the new address, by registered mail, like this one, and we will include with it a bill for the registered mail fees, and for the time required to draw up and post the letter.
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 1-281-927-5885
CC: By Registered mailAt 13:51 hours on 7-8-04 we received a call at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from a woman in your office whose name may have been “Pat”.
When we tried to advise the woman that your office had been notified, in writing, via registered mail, to cease and desist contacting us by [phone], the woman became angry and interrupted. She then began spouting something about our request to have an account removed from the automatic payment system. When we tried to interject that no such request had ever been made the woman became even more rude and obnoxious and nearly yelled that “she had the notes right there”. She then began spouting off again. We tried to get her to stop so we could address one issue at a time, but she only became louder. We said, “Ma’am….ma’am….ma’am….” But she continued to speak more loudly still, until we finally just hung up.
Let’s put this to you bluntly: Are you people insane? Are you mentally handicapped? Are you just an office full of obnoxious idiots? Don’t like our choice of words? Then show us a hint of professionalism for God’s sake!
(1) Your office will never, ever contact us again by phone. Your people are rude. Your people are stupid. Your people are incompetent. Because of these factors, all interaction with you from this point forward will be in writing. There will be no exceptions. Failure to comply will result in an instantaneous criminal complaint. You have been instructed to cease and desist contacting us by phone. Period.
(2) Regarding someone’s imagined request that one or more accounts be taken off the automatic pay system, this is untrue and we have to believe your people know it. We do not believe your people made a “mistake” in this regard---we believe your people simply made this up in some ill-conceived attempt to cause us even more grief, confusion and aggravation. You have shown us over and over and over through the years that this is the mentality that prevails in your office. We have never asked that any of our accounts be taken off the auto-pay system. We are demanding, herewith, that you mail us documentation of this woman’s allegation. What “notes”, exactly, is this woman referring to? We want to see them.
(3) It appears that you have taken one or more accounts off the auto-pay system. You probably did so, so that you could claim these accounts were unpaid, and so that you could charge another late fee for them. Make no mistake: If you have done this, we will see you prosecuted for fraud. Any account you have taken off the auto-pay system should be placed back on the auto-pay system without delay. If you attempt to charge a late fee due to this, you will be sued.
(4) We have an in-process complaint against your office for cheating us out of two late charges in an unrelated matter. This has been submitted to the Attorney General’s office. We may well hire a [New Jersey] attorney to sue you for those charges by proxy. We will seek to recover time and costs as well. If we are forced to hire a [New Jersey] attorney, that will put us in a better position to handle any new problems you create in the future---and we fully expect you to do so.
There is something systemically wrong in your office. It can probably be traced back to the personnel manager. Stupid personnel managers tend to hire stupid employees, who then tend to get their stupid friends hired as well. Whatever the problem is, we’re not going to continue to be the victims of it. You folks need to get it together, stop pulling cheesy, underhanded stunts, and just do your jobs.
CC: Internet posting; attorney; Attorney General
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 1-281-927-5885
CC: By Registered mailAs of 15:14, on 7-9-04, we are continuing to log repeated calls from your office. The caller is continuing to call, as fast as they can dial, over and over again. We anticipate many more calls before this caller gives up.
We’re sorry you did not heed our demand that you cease and desist calling us by telephone.
This demonstrates, and documents, the mentality we are dealing with in your office.
At this time we are herewith demanding, again, that you cease and desist calling us.
At this time we are contacting the police in your city to ask for emergency relief.[Signature]
7-9-04CC: Internet posting; attorney; Attorney General
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 1-281-927-5885
CC: By Registered mailAs of 15:07, on 7-9-04, we have logged five (5) calls from your office. The caller is continuing to call, as fast as they can dial, over and over again. We anticipate many more calls before this caller gives up.
We’re sorry you did not heed our demand that you cease and desist calling us by telephone.
This demonstrates, and documents, the mentality we are dealing with in your office.
At this time we are herewith demanding, again, that you cease and desist calling us.
At this time we are drafting a formal criminal complaint of telephone harassment.[Signature]
7-9-04CC: Internet posting; (attorney); Attorney General
Since HP Financial Services refused to reply to us in writing re the wrongly-charged late fees which they had forcibly removed from our bank account, we appealed to our bank for relief. We can't count the number of times we'd been reduced to this already, so we were less than polite in our references to the jokers at HP Financial Services:
AlaskaUSA Bank
2401 4th Ave. #100
Seattle, Wa. 98121Once again, we’re contesting the charge shown below:
Note that this identical charge was contested about a month ago. Alaska/USA sent us a form to complete to have that particular charge stricken from our account. We did complete the form, and the charge was removed. We then advised the offending institution (HP Financial) that their charge was formally contested, and that they may not debit our account again for that particular charge. They are free (encouraged) to ask a judge to decide the merit or lack thereof of their claim; they may NOT continue to simply remove these funds from our account. HP Financial is staffed by people we consider to be little more than concentrated evil, so, without permission, and without even attempting to resolve the dispute over the fee, HP Financial simply removed the funds from our account again. The original debit, which was credited back, is shown below. We are now contesting the second debit, shown above.
At this time we must conclude that HP Financial is little more than a rogue institution. We are no longer willing to allow a rogue company access to our bank account. For instance, they may decide that we owe them a fee for some imagined transgression in the amount of $10,000, and we wouldn’t be surprised if they did, and then proceed to simply remove that amount from our account, and we would be left fighting and going to court for months or years to retrieve it. This possibility is unacceptable.
We ask at this time that we be sent another form which will serve to deny HP Financial access to our bank account for any reason, at any time, ever again. We will then make our lease payments by automated check, issued through our bill-pay program at Alaska/USA, instead of allowing them to remove the funds directly from our account.
Be advised this matter has already been sent to the New Jersey Attorney General. We are also filing a complaint of fraud against HP Financial with the Murray Hill (NJ) police department. The case is also being posted publicly on the Internet, and is being passed to HP Sales so they can begin to get an idea of what their customers go through when they buy HP equipment through this institution.
It should be noted that the contested late charge is in and of itself a trivial matter. These kinds of things come up from time to time between financial companies and their customers. Usually, they can be amicably resolved. If they can’t be amicably resolved, then they may be brought to court. That’s what courts are for. But when a company (HP) simply refuses to even discuss a matter, but simply continues to withdraw funds from a customer’s account which it has previously been forced to return, that signals a pattern of dishonesty and deceit that we won’t tolerate.
7-9-04CC: Internet, NJ Attorney General, HP Sales; HP Financial
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 1-281-927-5885
CC: By Registered mailWe have discovered the following charge on our bank account:
Since the above amount matches the amount show below, representing two contested “late” charges, which you were legally blocked from withdrawing, we must assume you’ve simply, effectively, stolen from us again. Do you actually believe you’re going to get away with this?06/17/04 ACH WITHDRAWAL COMPAQ CAPITAL TYPE: LEASE PMT DATA: 6-16-04CSFCOMME $ -32.76
Since we have no accounts with you for which this amount would be correct, we must assume that you have once again illegally (in our humble opinion, of course) removed funds from our account for a contested “late fee”. If it turns out that is the case, and we’re sure it will, we will file a complaint with the [Murry Hill] police department, and we will legally block you from removing any funds, at any time, for any reason, from any account we hold. Payments for leases will be made, then, by automated check.
You have demonstrated to us over and over ad nauseam that you are little more than thieves. Sorry folks---we won’t abide thieves.
An accounting of our experiences with you is being prepared and will be made available to any interested party within the next few days. Copies will be distributed freely to HP Sales directors. They need to know what their customers are being subjected to when they buy through HP. If HP cannot offer a different financing solution in the future, we will not buy from HP again. Our entire shop is stocked with HP equipment, but our unbelievable interactions with you are enough to make us switch to any of the other printer manufacturers. We don’t know what your problem is---we don’t care. We’re simply tired of conflict after conflict after conflict with you, and we’re drawing the line here and now.
For a second time, we will have the above charge of $32.76 removed from our account within the next few days. We are seeking a [New Jersey] attorney at this time to protect us from [you] and what is, in our view, further fraud and theft, and to demand compensation for time wasted in this matter. You cannot take money from an account to which you are not legally entitled, which you have been warned by registered mail not to remove, which you have previously been blocked from removing, and which you were previously forced to give back! If you believe you are actually entitled to this contested late fee of $32, you may ask a judge to decide the case. We heartily encourage you to try. But you may NOT simply continue to remove it from our account, over and over, after it has been contested.
In continued disgust,
7 7-9-04CC: Internet posting; attorney; Attorney General
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 1-281-927-5885
CC: By Registered mailSince your office steadfastly refuses to cease and desist withdrawing contested funds from our bank account, we have taken steps to prevent your access to that account. In approx 7-10 days you will be legally notified of this action.
In the meantime, we have three charges that need to be addressed:
(1) The contested amount of $32.76 will be credited back to our account by our bank. You have already received our objections to this fee by registered mail. The fee is as flatly wrong as it gets. If you desire to attempt to collect it from us, you must bring the matter before a judge for a legal determination. You are not now, nor will you ever be again, authorized to remove the sum of $32.76 from our account to pay for a bogus “late fee”. You were not authorized to remove it on either of the two occasions in which you did remove it, and this constitutes fraud.
(2) Lease #XXXXXXXXX; This is a lease of an XXXXXXXX printer. The next payment amount of $165 will come due sometime around the 20th of July, 2004. If you have been notified, by registered mail, by the time this payment comes due, that you are no longer authorized to access our account, then you MUST NOT ACCESS OUR ACCOUNT to retrieve this payment. To do so will be considered an act of willful theft and may subject those responsible to actual arrest. In this case, the payment will be set up on an automatic schedule with the checks being sent directly from our bank to you, as several of our other accounts are set up. If you HAVE NOT been informed by the time this payment is due, then you may go ahead and withdraw that amount ($163.80) and ONLY that amount from our account, for the July 2004 payment. After that, payments will come to you directly from our bank, by mailed bank check.
(3) Lease # XXXXXXXXX is for an XXXXXXXXX. The next payment comes due about 7-12, in the amount of $53.82. Since you will NOT have been informed to cease and desist accessing our account by then, you may allow this payment, and only this payment, to be withdrawn from our account. The August payment on this lease will come to you directly from our bank, in the form of a mailed check.
7-9-04CC: Internet posting; attorney; Attorney General
New Providence Police Dept
360 Elkwood Ave, New Providence, NJ
07974Please consider this a formal criminal complaint of telephone harassment by the following company:
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
This company has removed funds from our bank account to which it was not entitled. –That’s a civil matter and we’re well equipped to handle it. Telephone harassment, however, which is the focus of this complaint, is a criminal offense.Unfortunately, our efforts to retrieve our funds have apparently angered this office, and in retaliation they began crank-calling my cellular phone a week or so ago. I am enclosing two of a larger number of letters I have mailed and/or faxed to this company demanding that they cease and desist, however they refuse to cease.
On 7-8 at 13:51 hrs., for instance, we received a most unpleasant call from this office and we hung up on them.
On 7-9-04, at 15:07 Pacific, we received five (5) hang-up calls in rapid succession. We faxed their office demanding that they stop---so at 15:17, ten minutes later, they started up again. We don’t know what it is about STOP that these people don’t understand.
As late as 7-12-04 we received yet two more harassing calls from this office, at 14:01 and again at 17:31 Pacific time---well after closing hours for that office located in New Jersey. On the second call today the woman caller identified herself as the office manager. She was advised, once again, to cease and desist, and we disconnected. We are now without the use of this phone, since we cannot turn it on without being harassed by this company.
We ask for a case number by return mail. We will forward any and all required documentation upon request. If required we will fly to New Jersey to testify. Contrary to what this company seems to think, we really do have the right not to be harassed by them.
If they have something to say, they’re welcome to put it in writing, or convey it through their attorney, so we’ll have a documented accounting of what is said and by whom. They may not make hang-up calls to my cellular phone; they may not contact me except in writing, ever again, for any reason whatsoever.
7-12-04CC: attorney, NJ Attorney General, BBB, HP Sales
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6 1-281-927-5885
Murray Hill, NJ 07974Registered receipt: 2103855574905905xxxx
On 7-16-04 we filed with our bank, Alaska/USA, to block HP Financial Services from withdrawing any funds from our account, for any reason, at any time, forever.This applies specifically to, but is not limited to, the following lease accounts:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWe have done this due to extreme (beyond comprehension) irregularities on the part of HP Financial Services. We no longer trust this company to have access to our bank account.
Our problems began within a few days of first interacting with HP Financial some years ago. There was a discrepancy in our address, and we notified HP of this over and over, by registered mail, by First Class mail, by telephone, by email, and by fax. The problem was that while we had supplied the correct address on the lease papers, HP decided to use an address supplied to them by the retailer, and absolutely nothing could dissuade them. For months they sent bills and paperwork to the wrong address, even while we virtually screamed at them to correct it. Only when we threatened to bill for our time did HP manage to get the address correct---and then HP claimed they had never once received notification of the correct address. Since about 1980 we’ve sent virtually every written communication by registered mail.
Some months later (still a couple of years ago) we were notified that HP had not received a payment and the account was delinquent. We checked, and found that, as usual, the check for the proper amount had been mailed exactly on time, so as to arrive a week or more before the due date. HP was adamant they had never received it---but mysteriously, when we threatened to bring in our attorney, HP found the check, exactly 30 days, to the day, after they actually received it. A late fee was assessed, even though the mistake was HP’s.
We continued to experience glitches and snafus with HP Financial, including more address snafus, and more payment snafus. To prevent any more mysterious “missing payments” we set up automatic payments through a bank which documents the mailing of said payments. We had learned to expect the worst from HP Financial.
In approximately March of 2004 we received a notice that we were two months delinquent on a particular bill. We had received no notification of this prior. We checked, and, sure enough, the bank had sent both payments exactly on time, and HP had received them and cashed them. At first HP said they had not received them. When we advised that they came directly from a bank and could be verified, HP changed its tune and said they had been credited to the wrong account even though there was no reason to think the payments were meant for that account, and (2) HP mysteriously had not notified us for two months of the missing payments. HP Financial then, amazingly, assessed two whopping “late fees” in the amount of $32.76.
We immediately wrote to HP by registered mail and advised them that if they tried to collect that amount, things would not go smoothly. HP did not reply, but simply removed the funds from our bank account.
We immediately contacted our bank and had the charge credited back.
HP almost immediately removed the funds from our account again.
We then began receiving hang-up calls to one of our cell phones that traced back to HP Financial Services. One of the calls featured a woman who was virtually yelling into the phone. We tried to interrupt numerous times by saying, “Ma’am, ma’am, ma’am,” so as to have a calm conversation with the woman. But she simply wouldn’t shut up. We disconnected the call and advised HP both by fax and by registered mail to cease and desist calling us, and to put any legitimate communication in writing.
Over the next days or week or more, we continued to receive unwanted calls which traced back to HP Financial Services. The problem became so severe that we shut off the phone in question and filed a formal criminal complaint of harassment against HP Financial. That complaint is in process at this time.
In going over our bank records, we find that as of this date HP has not removed a legitimate payment from our account, in the amount of $53.63 for lease # XXXXXXXX. We can only guess it is HP’s hope to thereby claim additional late fees. We have another auto-deduct payment coming up, due about 7-20. We have no way to know if HP will screw that up as well, and thereby try to claim yet more late fees.
At some point one must say enough is enough. We’re way past that point.
HP is herewith notified that it may not deduct any payment from any of our accounts ever again. We are enclosing two checks with this letter, in the amounts of $53.63 for the July, 2004 payment on lease number XXXXXXXXX, and another check in the amount of $165.56, for the July, 2004 payment on lease # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. If, by the time HP receives this letter, HP has removed either or both of those payments from our account automatically, then HP should credit these new payments to the accounts for the month of August, 2004. HP should notify us by mail in any case, so as to make sure all accounts are up to date, and when any new payments are due on either of these leases, and what the amounts should be. We will then add these payments to our regular automatic bill paying service through the bank, and things had better go smoothly from this point onward.
Taking back control of our bank account from HP Financial is the only way we know of to get this mess straightened out, and to be in a position to (1) get the payments to HP on time, and (2) be able to prove we sent the payments to HP on time, and (3) thereby avoid HP’s fraudulent and fabricated late fees.
This letter, or one like it, will be circulated through the higher echelons of HP Corporate, especially including HP sales. Even though our entire shop runs on HP equipment, we have decided to shop around extensively before ever buying another piece of HP equipment. This has been the most, bar-none, ridiculous experience we have ever endured with any financial company. We thought Paypal was insane---HP Financial has beat ‘em by a mile. We have filed a complaint with the Attorney General---they advise it has been forwarded along up the chain. We will file a formal complaint with HP Corporate, and will continue to post our case on the Internet.
Once again, HP Financial is instructed to never, ever contact us again by phone. Any and all interaction with HP Financial will take place in writing, so that a record exists of every single word.
HP Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974Enclosed please find a copy of your invoice # XXXXXXXXXX, in the amount of $163.80. This amount has been paid to your New Jersey office by check, delivered on 7-20-04 by registered mail. Due to circumstances explained in the attached letter, HP Financial Services no longer has access to our bank account. This lease (XXXXXXXXX) was supposed to be set up on an automatic pay system through HP. We will no longer allow that arrangement to continue. You will be paid for this account by check, directly from our bank, for the duration of the lease.
Enclosed please find a copy of your invoice # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, in the amount of 85.41. The amount of $53.82 is the actual amount of the lease payment. Mysteriously, you have included two “late fees”. This is mysterious because this account also was set up on an HP automatic deduct system. For whatever reason, HP did not deduct this payment from our account---yet it is billing us for “late fees”, and two of them at that! This amount (53.82) has been paid to your New Jersey office by check, delivered on 7-20-04 by registered mail. Due to circumstances explained in the attached letter, and due, specifically, to continual, never-ending screw-ups like this, HP Financial Services no longer has access to our bank account. This lease (XXXXXXXX) was supposed to be set up on an automatic pay system through HP. We will no longer allow that arrangement to continue. You will be paid for this account by check, directly from our bank, for the duration of the lease.
We have recently filed a formal complaint with the GA. Attorney General’s office. They wrote back and said the complaint had been moved up the chain of command and was in process. That complaint detailed yet another situation in which you attempted to charge us two late fees that were not due you. We are drafting a second complaint to the GA. Attorney General’s office to address this second attempt at fraud---and that’s what it is, outright fraud. This is why you no longer have access to our bank account. A criminal complaint of telephone harassment is also in process against your N.J. office.
We suggest you read the attached letter. It has been passed to the higher echelons of HP Sales and HP Corporate. We must now draft yet another complaint to HP corporate to address this second set of bogus late fees. We will probably never buy from HP again.
7-20-04CC: Internet Post; attorney; HP Corporate; HP Sales: Attorney General
HP Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582Registered Receipt 2103 8555 7490 0667 xxxx
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974Registered Receipt 2103 8555 7490 3812 xxxx
Re your invoice #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
You claim you are due a late fee of $15 for lease # XXXXXXXX.
In point of fact, this lease is an auto-deduct payment which you automatically debit directly from our account. If you did not take the payment out on time, that’s your problem, not ours. You were legally prevented from removing money from our bank account on 7-19-04, but that does not affect the payment you are claiming is late. If you have a different explanation for this fee, you are requested to put it in writing and mail it to us at the correct address.
Also, please stop sending bills to an old, incorrect address. You have been advised of our new address in writing, by registered mail, several times, and by regular First Class mail countless times. At this time we are logging every minute spent straightening out your mistakes. When the amount becomes worthwhile, we will bill you. You will refuse to pay. We will sue you in small claims. You will refuse to pay the judgment. And we will attach your property. We look forward to it.
Once again, for the record, by registered mail, our correct billing address is:
XXXXXXXXXXThis is the last time you will be advised of this for free.
CC: Attorney, Attorney General, Internet Posting
HP Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582 CC: by Registered MailHewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
On 7-22-04 we are advised by our bank that you have deposited the sum of $163.80, which is the amount of a payment for lease # XXXXXXXXXX, into our bank account.
We have absolutely no clue why you would do this. Perhaps you are setting us up to charge even more bogus late fees.
Honestly, we have never seen anything like this in our entire lives. We’ve never even read fictional accounts of such bizarre behavior.
We’re going to draft a clear, concise, point-by-point accounting of this mess and begin submitting it to programs like 20-20, and to our local investigative news stations.
On 7-23-04 we will discuss options with our bank to prevent you from putting money INTO our account.
There might have been a point when we would have been willing to just look the other way if you folks finally got these accounts straightened out and stopped this insanity. That point is past.
You will receive a bill for our time and trouble in 4-6 weeks.
We’ve supplied you these instructions in the past, yet you seem incapable of following them. We receive faxes all day, ever day via this method. While you will never, ever again call us and yell into the phone, you are always welcome to write to us via the following fax method, or at the address shown below.
To fax us, follow these instructions: MANUALLY dial XXXXXXXXXXX, LISTEN for a recorded voice that will ask for a password, ENTER the password XXXX. You’ll hear a ring or two, then a FAX TONE. At that time press your SEND key.
Be advised, however, that if we begin receiving harassing faxes, irrational faxes, unproductive faxes, we will cut your access to this fax line and you’ll be reduced to replying to us through our attorney’s office via your attorney.
7-22-04CC: Attorney General, Internet Post
HP Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582 CC: by Registered MailHewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
1-281-927-5885On 7-23-04 we have spent 23 minutes researching through our bank a mysterious deposit to our account (on 7-22 in the amount of $163.80). Our advertised work rate is and has been for the past 5 years $55/hr. You will be billed for 23 minutes, pro-rated at that amount.
Here’s the scoop: Our bank believes this deposit is a refund to compensate for the same amount you withdrew earlier in the month. Again, we have no idea why you would be refunding this amount, since the earlier withdrawal was perfectly legitimate, and occurred BEFORE we stopped your access to our account. That this amount was legitimate was explained to you in a registered letter which you have signed for. At this point, we believe that your credit-back of this amount is simply a (another) tactic to further confuse this already confused issue. We see it as a willful act of harassment. We will immediately draft a check to you in the amount of $163.80, and deliver it to you by registered mail. You will be charged for the time it takes us to write this letter, for the time it takes us to draft and mail the check, and for the cost of sending it via registered mail.
There might have been a point when we would have been willing to just look the other way if you folks finally got these accounts straightened out and stopped this insanity. That point is past. You will receive a bill for our time and trouble in 4-6 weeks.
We’ve supplied you these instructions in the past, yet you seem incapable of following them. We receive faxes all day, every day via this method. While you will never, ever again call us and yell into the phone, or crank-call us over and over and hang up, you are always welcome to write to us via the following fax method, or at the address shown below.
To fax us, follow these instructions: MANUALLY dial XXXXXXXXX, LISTEN for a recorded voice that will ask for a password, ENTER the password XXXXXXX. You’ll hear a ring or two, then a FAX TONE. At that time press your SEND key.
Be advised, however, that if we begin receiving harassing faxes, irrational faxes, unproductive faxes, we will cut your access to this fax line and you’ll be reduced to replying to us through our attorney’s office via your attorney.
7-23-04CC: Attorney General, Internet Post BCC:
HP Financial
POB 402582
Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582Registered Mail 2103 8555 7490 0708 xxxx
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
1-281-927-5885Registered Mail 2103 8555 7491 6436 xxxx
(1) On 7-23-04 we learned that you made a deposit to our account (on 7-22 in the amount of $163.80). Our bank assures us this was a transaction initiated by you, and not some misguided, automated refund set in motion by the bank’s computers. Again, we have no idea why you would refund this amount, as it is not due us. Because of a couple of years of outrageous experiences like this with you folks, we have already legally prevented you from debiting our bank account(s). This will serve as legal notice that neither may you CREDIT any amount to our bank account(s). Enough is enough. Stay the hell away from our bank account(s). Any further accesses to our account(s), whether to debit, or to credit, will result in further criminal complaints against your offices, and you will be charged for the time it takes us to straighten the matter out, as you are being charged and billed for this. Enclosed (sent to the NJ office), please find a check in the amount of $163.80 which replaces the funds you mysteriously deposited into our account on 7-22-04. We can only assume you did this so you could try to claim that yet another payment was late, thereby justifying yet another bogus “late” fee or two.
You have recently also billed us for two new late fees, due on an account that was set up as an auto-deduct. We have absolutely no clue what that’s about. We have advised you, in writing, via registered mail, that if you did not take the funds out of our account when you were supposed to, you are not entitled to a late fee!
You have also (!) recently advised us that you would like to collect yet another late fee, in the amount of $15. We have written back to you, via registered mail, advising that this, too, was an account that was set up on an auto-deduct system (at least until 7-20-04). Again, if you did not take the funds out of our account when you were supposed to, you are not entitled to a late fee!
If you have a different explanation for all or any of these late fees, you are advised to put your explanation in writing, and to send it to us. We’re confident we can demonstrate that either you were paid on time (read: early), or that it was YOU who elected not to remove the funds from our account on time. We await your explanation.
(4) For perhaps the tenth or fifteenth time---probably the fourth or fifth time, maybe more, via registered mail, we are advising you of our current and correct billing address. We will bill you for time and expenses each and every time you continue to mail correspondence to the incorrect address. We have been fighting you over this issue for over two years. That’s enough.
For the record, one last time, the correct and current billing address for all of the accounts shown above is this:
XXXXXXXXThis isn’t rocket-science. Just enter it into your database for each account and USE IT. Please….
(5) We request to know the function of each of the addresses shown at the top of this letter. We need to know which office to contact regarding discrepancies in billing, and we need to know which office to actually send payments to. We have requested this in the past. You have not replied. Surprise. Why do we need to know? At this point it seems a virtual certainty we’ll end up taking you to small claims court. We need to know which office to subpoena. We always wanted to see Atlanta, so we’ll handle that suit in person. If we must sue you in New Jersey, we’ll do it by proxy. Which office is responsible for what?
You have received this letter, as usual, by registered mail. You have signed for it. You cannot claim you didn’t receive it. We suggest you locate a management person who can and will go through this letter carefully, paragraph by paragraph, who is capable of actually understanding what is said, and who is capable of and in a position to resolve this entire mess once and for all. As we’ve said, our bank is set up to begin sending out payments in the amounts shown above, scheduled to arrive on 8-20-04, and continuing thereafter. We need to know:
(1) Are there any discrepancies in the amounts we’ve listed above?
(2) Are there any discrepancies in the dates you will receive these payments?
(3) Counting the payment you received with this letter ($163.80), do you believe any payments are past due or will become past due before you receive the next payments on 8-20-04? If so, what and how much? We’ll take care of it instantly, as we always do.
(3) Are there any other issues with regard to these accounts that need to be addressed? If so, WHAT?
We await your written reply.[Signature]
7-23-04CC: Attorney General, Internet Post BCC:
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974Proof of delivery: 2103 8555 7491 6467
Enclosed please find two invoices: (1) #XXXXXXXX, in the amount of $180.18, due 9-16-04, and (2) #XXXXXXXXX, in the amount of $70.41, due 9-12-04. These will be paid to you directly from our bank, about a month early, as always (you’ll receive them on or before 8-20).
As usual, both amounts are incorrect, and you know this well.
The proper amounts are as follows:
(1) #XXXXXXXX $163.80
(2) #XXXXXXXXX $55.41The so-called “late” fees on both invoices are bogus. You know this to be fact and we’re confident we can prove it. We have advised you, in writing, via registered mail, more times than we can count now, that these amounts are incorrect and that no late fees are due. You have signed for every single letter. We have advised you, in writing, via registered mail, that if you dispute this, you are welcomed and invited to send us documentation that supports your claim. You have signed for every single letter. You have not replied once as of this date.
The enclosed invoices claim the late charges resulted from late payments on invoices #’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXX. --So send us copies of those invoices and we’ll send you either (1) proof they were paid on time or (2) proof that you had access to our bank account at that time, that there was enough in the account to make the payment twenty times over, but that you did not debit our account on time, for whatever mysterious reason. In either case, you’re not entitled to late fees. How many times have we asked you to do this now? Six? Eight? Ten? And all by registered mail. Yet not once have you replied. Not once. What does that say about you? It says you are incompetent or dishonest or, more likely, both.
To the legal mind, this can be construed as nothing short of harassment. That’s certainly our term for it. You have no interest in providing proof in support of your claims, yet you do have an obvious and ongoing interest in continuing to try to bill these erroneous amounts. The two enclosed invoices reference two other invoices for which you claim payment was late. In one case, you have admitted in writing that you received the payments on time, but through your own error, credited them to the wrong account. We have supplied those documents to you and asked for your reply or rebuttal, yet you steadfastly refuse to reply. Instead, you continue to attempt to bill for the same bogus late fees. You have not tried to resolve this matter in anything approaching good faith---in fact, you have crank-called us and hung up so many times that we filed a criminal complaint against you for telephone harassment. Now we feel we have enough documentation to file for general harassment. You know these fees are erroneous. You have been asked repeatedly to supply any documentation or proof at all that supports your claim, yet you repeatedly refuse to do so, and you continue to harass us with erroneous charges. When this comes before a judge, will he rule that you’re merely incompetent, or downright criminal in your actions, or both?
This is the last time we’re going to tell you. If you bill us for bogus charges one more time, we’re going to add a second complaint of harassment to the first through your local police. Our bank has mailed every single check to you on time, and you have cashed every single check well before the due dates. In two of these cases, you claim we were late making payment to you, yet these were accounts in which you had full access to our bank account and which you were supposed to debit automatically. Yet you have the audacity to bill us for late fees!
We believe that you are dishonest in the extreme, that you are intentionally over-billing us month after month as some sort of childish retribution for our telling you what we thought of you. This is the exact legal definition of criminal harassment, and if you continue with this childishness a criminal judge is going to agree with us and find you guilty of harassment and possibly fraud..
This letter adds 19 minutes to the 23 minutes you will be billed for in the next month or two.
In continued disgust,
8-14-04CC: HP Corporate; Internet web page; Attorney General; BCC:
We trust your received the transcripts from our bank. If you did NOT receive them, please let us know.
You should be aware that we have begun posting a website detailing our experiences with HP Financial Services. The URL is:
To say that it will be widely disseminated upon completion would be a gross understatement.
In addition, we are logging every minute of our time expended on this mess. The bill to HP Financial Services as of this date is several hundred dollars. We expect it to rise significantly before this nonsense is finally straightened out.
You should also know that we have begun the long and laborious process of swapping our entire shop from HP equipment, to another manufacturer. This is attributable to our experiences with HP Financial Services. Every HP sales rep in the world is being made of this decision, and our reasons for it.
Thank you,
Faxed to: 732-313-9159 at 12:16 Pacific
HP Finally Replies!
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxx
Sharon L. Petrosini,
We have received your largely outrageous letter of 9-1-04.
First, let’s address the ”overdue payment” on lease #XXXXXXXXX, in the amount of $116.95. Be advised that, as has been the case in EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE since we first began doing business with HP Financial Services years ago, this payment was made EXACTLY ON TIME. See attached documentation. This is exactly precisely the incompetence that has gotten you into this mess. Some months ago we began documenting our time and expenses required to respond to your dozens upon dozens of accounting errors. A bill will be presented to you when we’re ready. You will refuse to pay it. We will sue you in small claims. You will refuse to pay the judgment, and we will begin attaching your property(s). The time required to draft this letter will be included in those charges. To reiterate: Invoice # XXXXXXXXXXXXX WAS PAID ON TIME. Again, see the attached documentation. We are amazed that you STILL cannot get these accounts straightened out. You respond to your mistakes in accounting by making yet another mistake in accounting? Is there a ground water problem in New Jersey?
To reiterate, we do not believe that any company, anywhere, could “accidentally” be this incompetent. This is simply over the top. We must conclude, therefore, that your continuing refusal to straighten out these accounts is intentional, and as such, is subject to criminal prosecution for, in our view, fraud and/or harassment. You have contacted us once or twice per month, virtually every single month for that past several years, to complain of “late” or “missing” payments. In every single case, every single case we have sent you documentation showing that the accounts actually were paid, usually a month in advance. You became so insistent a couple of months ago that your people began crank-calling us and hanging up, over and over and over, even after we had notified your office that we were going to call the police, and even after we notified your office that we had called the police! What in the name of God actually goes on in your offices in New Jersey?! Never mind---we don’t want to know! We experienced so much trouble with you taking money out of our account that didn’t belong to you, and, amazingly, depositing amount INTO our account that weren’t due us, that we were forced to legally prevent you from accessing our bank account – now, as you know, all payments come to you in paper form, from our bank.
Re the outrageous “warning” in your letter, advising us to stop making publicly, or to remove any existing “defamatory” remarks from our website, go to Hell. Any bad light that is cast upon your company is entirely a result of your own incompetence, dishonesty and stupidity. We simply report the facts as facts, and opinions based on facts, as opinions. If you don’t like the way your company is seen by us or the public, we suggest you change the way your company does business. Our website is reviewed and approved by our attorney – every single word of it. If you feel you’d like to sue us for its content, go for it. That should generate even more publicity. We have posted your letter of 9-1, and this response.
Do not contact us again with stupidity and illegal, harassing (in our opinion) threats of action, when no actionable events have occurred. You may take the apology you’ve offered and shove it up your collective asses. We’ve been struggling with you for years and we have no more patience or tolerance left for you. We see you as the worst – bar none – company we have ever done business with; that, on an order of magnitude.
In continued disgust,
9-2-04CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
BCC:Encl: Bank transcripts showing payments made on time, every single month.
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxxxSharon L. Petrosini,
Re the amounts of $170.77 and $26.14 (total $196.91) due us, you’ve asked in yours of 9-1 if we want it refunded.
Answer: Yes.
We wouldn’t trust you with a rusty nickel.
9-2-04CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
Second Notice:
We have not received your check.
Please Remit
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxxxSharon L. Petrosini,
Re the amounts of $170.77 and $26.14 (total $196.91) due us, you’ve asked in yours of 9-1 if we want it refunded.
Answer: Yes.
We wouldn’t trust you with a rusty nickel.
9-2-04CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
To date, 12-27-04, we have received NO further harassment (in our opinion) from HP Financial Services, nor have we received any late fee notices, bogus or otherwise. By the end of January, 2005, we will submit a bill to HP Financial for our time expended in this absolutely outrageous litany of chaos and incompetence. They'll surely refuse to pay, and we'll sue them.
At 11:31 Pacific, on 1-17-05 (a holiday) we received a voice mail message from an HP Financial employee identifying herself as "Bonnie". She claimed that we were overdue on one payment in the amount of $213.
(1) This company has been advised, via registered mail, to cease and desist contacting us by telephone. We have previously filed criminal complaints with this company's local police; this most recent call has earned HP Financial yet another complaint. At some point the local PD will become tired of this and file charges against HP Financial. We will now seek a formal anti-harassment order against HP Financial.
(2) As always, we pulled up the payment record on this account. (a) the payment was not due until 1-22-05. Why is HP Financial calling and referring to it as a delinquent account a week before the payment is even due?
(3) The check for this account was sent by our bank on 1-11-05. It was cashed by HP Financial on 1-14-05.
This is clear, premeditated harassment by HP Financial Services. We have no choice but to initiate a lawsuit without delay. We have never dealt with---in fact we have never read fictional accounts of-- any business one tenth as backward, dishonest, incompetent or unprofessional as HP Financial Services. They qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records.
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Faxed to: 732-313-9159 on this date
Registered receipt: EO 907 091 xxx USSharon L. Petrosini,
You are aware of our problems with your company spanning three or more years. You have been served with documentation demanding that you (your company) cease and desist calling us by telephone. We have filed at least two formal complaints with your local PD for telephone harassment. We have lodged two complaints with your state’s Attorney General’s office. After three years of your office trying to literally steal (in our opinion) money from us in the form of bogus late fees (some 20 or 30 attempts), we finally received an apology from you---and a refund. In that letter (yours to us of Sept 1, 2004) you apologized and stated that you would see to it this kind of thing never again happened to us, or anyone else. A copy of that letter (and this letter) is posted publicly at the following url and will remain there virtually forever (at least through your lifetime and ours):
Your letter to us of 9-1-04 might have been a solid gesture. But it was not. In that letter, you miraculously, MIRACULOUSLY tried to state that we were tardy on YET ANOTHER printer bill! As we have done perhaps twenty times in the previous few years, we sent you proof, via registered mail, demonstrating that, in fact, as in EVERY OTHER CASE, the printer payment had been made quite early, and that you (HP Financial) had CASHED THE CHECK long before you wrote to us to say the bill had not been paid.
We came to the conclusion long ago that no company, anywhere in the world, probably not anywhere in this Universe or any other parallel Universe, could be accidentally this backwards, this unprofessional, this dishonest, this underhanded, this damned stupid. If you people were actually this stupid, you would never find your ways home at night. We must, therefore, go with the only other possible conclusion---that you are, in our opinion, intentionally attempting to defraud us. We know of no other possible explanation. When we thought you were merely stupid, we felt pity for you. Now that we understand you are doing these things intentionally, we feel nothing but rage. We’ve had it with you ten times over. Consider this a declaration of legal warfare.
On 1-17-05, at 11:31 a.m. Pacific, we received a voicemail from your company. The caller identified herself as “Bonnie” (no last name given). Bonnie claimed that we are, once again, late on our lease # 500172CD in the amount of $213. Bonnie asked for a return call at 1-800-793-9423.
We are, once again, ONCE AGAIN(!) providing you with proof that this payment was sent on time, that you received it a week early, and that you cashed the check a week before the due date. See below:
At this time, we have decided to bill you for several years of letters like this that you have forced us to write. Microsoft word records the amount of time taken to draft any document created within it. In this case, you have forced us to write 29 letters, 24 of which are posted on the website referenced above. We have drafted and sent 7 faxes, all of which cost us in terms of long distance charges. We have sent 18 of these letters by regular registered mail at a cost of $5.10 each. We have sent 4 of those letters (including this one) by overnight express at a cost of $13.85 each. Here’s how it breaks down, and this is the amount we will be suing you for if you do not make restitution within 30 days:1080 minutes to write letters and/or faxes;
Our posted work rate is $55.00/hr.
18 hours X $55.00 = $990.0018 registered mail charges @ $5.10 each = $91.80
4 overnight express charges @ $13.85 each = $55.40
Total: $1137.20
You will remit this amount within 30 days. Failure to remit will result in a lawsuit to collect these damages and others. This is the amount we will “settle” for out of court, if paid within 30 days. If not received in 30 days, the amount will include attorney’s fees, travel costs, and possibly (hopefully) punitive damages as well.
In addition to the above, and whether you willingly pay the above amount or not, we will file yet another criminal complaint with your local police. We will point out to them that since we have filed two previous complaints, and you have continued to contact us in a manner which is clearly harassing, it’s about time they ACTED. If they fail to act, we will petition judges in your town in New Jersey to grant us “due process”. It’s much like a “citizen’s arrest”, and by-passes local law enforcement. We will file yet another complaint with your state’s Attorney General. And we are researching the exact physical whereabouts of HP’s CEO so that we may serve him/her (via process server) with a copy of the above-referenced website, including this letter. We will as well be emailing the website url (referenced above) to every HP employee for whom we can find an email address. It is important for them to know WHY we will never buy an HP product again, and why we are so vocal in our efforts to warn other unsuspecting businesses about the pitfalls of doing business with HP and more specifically, HP Financial. While HP itself suffers less culpability for this insanity than you do, HP is still culpable in the sense that you are part of their company, and you are obviously totally out of control. Assuming HP knows what you’ve been up to (and trust us, if they don’t, they will) and yet takes no action to correct the problem (you) then HP’s culpability will become equal to yours.
In summary, there is something wrong with you people. Perhaps it’s a ground-water problem in your area which leads to the mental retardation of the populace. You should have it checked out by the EPA.
Once again: You will cease and desist calling us. We will communicate with you ONLY in writing. In the near future that limitation will be modified so as to include ALL contact from YOU; contact will be allowed only through the court.
Sent to HP Board of Directors on 1-17-05:
We are endeavoring to supply a copy of the document(s) listed at the following url to each of you via either restricted delivery USPS mail, or by process server. In the interim, you may wish to familiarize yourselves with this issue. Trust us when we say you will sooner or later be asked to comment on it.
Sent to Carly Fiorina on 1-17-05:
We are endeavoring to supply a copy of the document(s) listed at the following url to you via either restricted delivery USPS mail, or by process server. In the interim, you may wish to familiarize yourself with this issue. Trust us when we say you will sooner or later be asked to comment on it.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185 USA
Atten: Carly Fiorina
Via USPS Restricted Delivery Tracking # 2103 8555 7490 3095
We are enclosing one of several dozen letters from us to HP Financial Services in New Jersey. This one letter will summarize our problem.
The entire case – and it’s a doozey – may be scrutinized at the following URL:http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/
We are now in a position to post publicly that your office has been made aware of the issue. If your office does nothing to correct the problem, we will report that fact as well.
Above signed by Lee Eberding.
HP Financial Services Company
Murray Hill, NJ.
07974Lee Eberding,
Per yours to us of 2-9-05:
Re your promise to cease and desist contacting us by phone, especially to harass us for so-called "late payments" when, in fact, you have cashed our checks days or weeks earlier, and when, in fact, the payment(s) were not even DUE for another MONTH--- you may shove it. We've received your promises in the past, in writing, on HP's letterhead. They are worthless. We will continue with our efforts to bring criminal charges of telephone harassment against you. We've courteously given you years of opportunities to make good on your word; you've failed miserably, repeatedly, and utterly. Your "word" now has less than zero value to us---in fact to receive it is an annoyance.
Re you refusal to compensate us for the hours we've invested trying to correct YOUR mistakes, let us see if the judge agrees with your appraisal of the situation. We expect to have you served within 60 days.
We are no longer willing to settle for the sum of $1137.20.
As always, you may peruse all or most documents in this case at the following url:
In continued and perpetual disgust,
4-14-05 -- Yet another reason to avoid HP equipment and software:
We run an HP Designjet 500PS for particular jobs. This printer comes with a cheap and cheesy RIP program for processing jobs. Several days ago, while in the middle of a huge job and for no apparent reason, the RIP program stopped running. It would hang forever on the "processing" stage. Of course this was just another in a long tradition of HP software and driver problems. We sighed, uninstalled the software, reinstalled it, and tried to send a new print job. No luck. So we uninstalled everything---the print drivers, the software, the hot folder, everything. And reinstalled. It still wouldn't run. So we uninstalled in Safe Mode (WinXP), then reinstalled in safe mode. Same problem. We then had no choice but to suspend our huge rush job and begin researching the net and HP forums for a solution. Nine hours later, we still had no clue what could be causing the problem. We could still print directly to the port, but not through the RIP, and printing through the RIP was absolutely required for the job we were doing. We therefore began emailing HP, asking for detailed, specific instructions on how to uninstall and remove every single trace of their program, so that we could be sure we were reinstalling on a clean slate. We specifically asked for the locations of every registry entry that HP's software had made, so we could manually remove them and reinstall the software fresh. After a number of exchanges with HP Support, in which we repeatedly asked them for detailed uninstall directions, and which they answered with their usual boilerplate nonsense, we finally ramped up the urgency and specificity of our request. Here's HP's reply, and our final reply to them below that. We are now into this problem about 36 hours. There is no relief in site. We had to bring in another printer to finish our rush job:From HP: We are not permitted to assist you in altering your registry in any way. Please contact your computer manufacturer for assistance with your registry.
To HP: We cannot refer to the computer manufacturer for information on altering the registry because that is the domain of the OPERATING SYSTEM manufacturer. But we cannot pose this question to Microsoft either because Microsoft would have no way of knowing which entries had been placed into the registry by YOUR SOFTWARE. The fact that you do not understand this excruciatingly simple concept tells us that you are utterly incompetent. We are not and we have not asked you for instructions on altering our registry. We are merely asking you for a list of entries that YOUR SOFTWARE has made to our registry. A request doesn't GET any more specific or simple than this. Once again HP has provided us with buggy software, and has provided absolutely no support. This exchange will be posted publicly by day's end. Once again, thanks for absolutely nothing. We will now begin the process of purging out all of our HP equipment in favor of other, more competent manufacturers.
This is one worthless company. We recommend to ALL our readers and customers that they avoid HP equipment like the proverbial plague. The aggravation and lost time simply isn't worth it.
We thought the above incident was closed. However, an hour after sending our reply, we received YET ANOTHER email from HP Support, as follows:
From HP: Please retain this line in all replies: <ID:693743-805770394>
It would be greatly appreciated if you would be professional in the language you use when sending us a message. We reserve the right not to respond to people misusing our services.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are prohibited from manually altering your registry. Making any intentional change to the registry is considered an alteration.
Once again, THIS is the kind of outrageously ineffective (Read: STUPID) support you can expect from Hewlett Packard. We currently run roughly $30,000 worth of HP equipment. --And this is the best they can do for us. Would we ever buy another piece of HP equipment? One would have to be insane to think we might.
To HP: Again, your response has been posted publicly at the url shown in the previous email. With every reply you detract from HP's credibility. Since you have nothing of value to contribute to our problem, you will herewith cease and desist contacting us. We will (1) file a formal complaint by registered mail against you. We will (2) send HP a bill for our time in unravelling this mess. HP will of course refuse to pay, and we will sue HP by proxy in small claims court. All you had to do to avoid this was to escalate the matter up the chain and PROVIDE AN ANSWER. We're sorry that, as usual, you could not be bothered to do that. Again, we've had enough of you. You WILL cease and desist contacting us. Further unwanted contact will cause a criminal complaint to be filed against you. We have absolutely had enough of you.
We're still unable to get HP's RIP software to run. We decided to circumvent the entire issue and order from HP their updated RIP software. We did so, paid our money, and paid for Fed-Ex Overnight delivery. Amazingly, HP actually shipped the disc---but (you already saw this coming, didn't you) HP shipped the WRONG disc. They charged us $19 for the regular printer drivers which can be downloaded from their site for free, and they did not include any RIP software whatsoever. Of course HP won't answer their phones on the weekend, so we must wait until next week to even begin arguing with them. That'll probably take the better part of the week. Then, maybe, they'll ship out the right product. Or not. If they do ship the right product, maybe it will work. Or not. If it doesn't work, maybe HP will help us. Or not. This is a company to stay away from. We really don't know of one single task this outfit can properly or competently perform.
Hewlett Packard Financial Services by Registered Mail 0103 8555 7494 3524 xxxx
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974This simple request has been sent to the Atlanta office twice, and to your office once, all with no reply. Surprise.
This particular copy comes to you via registered mail so that you may not claim you didn’t receive it. You may also access a copy at any time, at the following URL, which documents all prior interaction with your company:http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/
Our question to you, posed repeatedly over the past months, is excruciatingly simple. As usual, we’re sorry your office cannot even handle this small piece of business.
We are simply asking for the termination dates of the following leases.
That’s it! That’s all we want. Isn’t it amazing that it takes at least four formal letters over the period of nearly six months, to obtain this information.lease # 500XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX
lease # 5001XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXWe await your written reply.
In perpetual disgust,
4th mailing: 6-20-2005
CC: Attorney General, Internet Post
Above signed by Ida Bruno-Edelmann
Above refers to email address: lynne.wyckoff@hp.com
HP Financial
emailed to: lynne.wyckoff@hp.comAs an attachment to this email please find a zip containing three documents on your letterhead, from you to us. The first document states that our printer lease #TF-EF39XXX matured in June of 2005. The next two documents are bills for September 2005 for this same printer. You also billed us in July and August for this same printer which was paid off in June.
Please understand that this represents the 23rd, 24th, and 25th time in the past three years you have attempted to fraudulently extract funds from us which we did not owe, and we believe this represents the 37th or 38th time we've been forced to set the record straight with you imbeciles. We have been forced to refute your bogus charges in 18 letters sent to you via registered mail. In each case you have admitted the error, and apologized, though grudgingly. We recently billed you over $1000 for our documented time in responding to your continued madness. You have refused to pay and we are now seeking an attorney in your area to file suit. The time it has taken us to write this email will be added to that bill.
We have filed four criminal complaints against you with your local law enforcement (this will make five). We have filed three formal complaints against you with your state's Attorney General (this time will make four). We have delivered to HP's CEO an accounting of this by process server (we will deliver this document to your new one by process server as well). We have delivered a handful of cease and desist letters to you by registered mail (add this one to your growing list). We have sent copies of the website which details our experiences with you (http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/)
to every HP sales rep we could find an address for (about 20 of them). This email is now displayed on that website.And still you attempt to virtually extort funds from us which we do not owe you.
Please do not make us book a flight to visit you in your office. It will not be pretty or fun.
Enough is enough. You are undertaking this action as a form of criminal harassment. You will cease and desist AGAIN.
And then you will, quite bluntly, go f_ck yourselves. Don't like our language? --Then please forward a copy of this entire email to someone you think will believe that you haven't earned it and don't deserve it. There is something wrong with you people as human beings, and HP's upper management will be made aware of it in the most public of ways.
Up to this date we had received virtually no communication from HP Financial Services, except bin the form of activities which seem clear to us to be nothing more than telephone harassment. Below is the first meaningful communication in roughly three or four YEARS of fighting with this absolutely unbelievable company.
HP Finally Replies!
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxxx
Sharon L. Petrosini,
We have received your largely outrageous letter of 9-1-04.
First, let’s address the ”overdue payment” on lease #XXXXXXXXX, in the amount of $116.95. Be advised that, as has been the case in EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE since we first began doing business with HP Financial Services years ago, this payment was made EXACTLY ON TIME. See attached documentation. This is exactly precisely the incompetence that has gotten you into this mess. Some months ago we began documenting our time and expenses required to respond to your dozens upon dozens of accounting errors. A bill will be presented to you when we’re ready. You will refuse to pay it. We will sue you in small claims. You will refuse to pay the judgment, and we will begin attaching your property(s). The time required to draft this letter will be included in those charges. To reiterate: Invoice # XXXXXXXXXXXXX WAS PAID ON TIME. Again, see the attached documentation. We are amazed that you STILL cannot get these accounts straightened out. You respond to your mistakes in accounting by making yet another mistake in accounting? Is there a ground water problem in New Jersey?
To reiterate, we do not believe that any company, anywhere, could “accidentally” be this incompetent. This is simply over the top. We must conclude, therefore, that your continuing refusal to straighten out these accounts is intentional, and as such, is subject to criminal prosecution for fraud and/or harassment. You have contacted us once or twice per month, virtually every single month for that past several years, to complain of “late” or “missing” payments. In every single case, every single case we have sent you documentation showing that the accounts actually were paid, usually a month in advance. You became so insistent a couple of months ago that your people began crank-calling us and hanging up, over and over and over, even after we had notified your office that we were going to call the police, and even after we notified your office that we had called the police! What in the name of God actually goes on in your offices in New Jersey?! Never mind---we don’t want to know! We experienced so much trouble with you taking money out of our account that didn’t belong to you, and, amazingly, depositing amount INTO our account that weren’t due us, that we were forced to legally prevent you from accessing our bank account – now, as you know, all payments come to you in paper form, from our bank.
Re the outrageous “warning” in your letter, advising us to stop making publicly, or to remove any existing “defamatory” remarks from our website, go to Hell. Any bad light that is cast upon your company is entirely a result of your own incompetence, dishonesty and stupidity. We simply report the facts as facts, and opinions based on facts, as opinions. If you don’t like the way your company is seen by us or the public, we suggest you change the way your company does business. Our website is reviewed and approved by our attorney – every single word of it. If you feel you’d like to sue us for its content, go for it. That should generate even more publicity. We have posted your letter of 9-1, and this response.
Do not contact us again with stupidity and illegal, harassing threats of action, when no actionable events have occurred. You may take the apology you’ve offered and shove it up your collective asses. We’ve been struggling with you for years and we have no more patience or tolerance left for you. We see you as the worst – bar none – company we have ever done business with; that, on an order of magnitude.
In continued disgust,
9-2-04CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
BCC:Encl: Bank transcripts showing payments made on time, every single month.
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxxxSharon L. Petrosini,
Re the amounts of $170.77 and $26.14 (total $196.91) due us, you’ve asked in yours of 9-1 if we want it refunded.
Answer: Yes.
We wouldn’t trust you with a rusty nickel.
CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
Second Notice:
We have not received your check.
Please Remit
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Registered: 2103 8555 7491 0182 xxxxxSharon L. Petrosini,
Re the amounts of $170.77 and $26.14 (total $196.91) due us, you’ve asked in yours of 9-1 if we want it refunded.
Answer: Yes.
We wouldn’t trust you with a rusty nickel.
9-2-04CC: Internet Post; Attorney General; HP Sales; HP Corporate
To date, 12-27-04, we have received NO further harassment from HP Financial Services, nor have we received any late fee notices, bogus or otherwise. By the end of January, 2005, we will submit a bill to HP Financial for our time expended in this absolutely outrageous litany of chaos and incompetence. They'll surely refuse to pay, and we'll sue them.
At 11:31 Pacific, on 1-17-05 (a holiday) we received a voice mail message from an HP Financial employee identifying herself as "Bonnie". She claimed that we were overdue on one payment in the amount of $213.
(1) This company has been advised, via registered mail, to cease and desist contacting us by telephone. We have previously filed criminal complaints with this company's local police; this most recent call has earned HP Financial yet another complaint. At some point the local PD will become tired of this and file charges against HP Financial. We will now seek a formal anti-harassment order against HP Financial.
(2) As always, we pulled up the payment record on this account. (a) the payment was not due until 1-22-05. Why is HP Financial calling and referring to it as a delinquent account a week before the payment is even due?
(3) The check for this account was sent by our bank on 1-11-05. It was cashed by HP Financial on 1-14-05.
This is, in our view, clear, premeditated harassment by HP Financial Services. We have no choice but to initiate a lawsuit without delay. We have never dealt with---in fact we have never read fictional accounts of-- any business one tenth as backward, dishonest, incompetent or unprofessional as HP Financial Services. They qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records.
HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ
07974 Faxed to: 732-313-9159 on this date
Registered receipt: EO 907 091 005 USSharon L. Petrosini,
You are aware of our problems with your company spanning three or more years. You have been served with documentation demanding that you (your company) cease and desist calling us by telephone. We have filed at least two formal complaints with your local PD for telephone harassment. We have lodged two complaints with your state’s Attorney General’s office. After three years of your office trying, in our opinion, to literally steal money from us in the form of bogus late fees (some 20 or 30 attempts), we finally received an apology from you---and a refund. In that letter (yours to us of Sept 1, 2004) you apologized and stated that you would see to it this kind of thing never again happened to us, or anyone else. A copy of that letter (and this letter) is posted publicly at the following url and will remain there virtually forever (at least through your lifetime and ours):
Your letter to us of 9-1-04 might have been a solid gesture. But it was not. In that letter, you miraculously, MIRACULOUSLY tried to state that we were tardy on YET ANOTHER printer bill! As we have done perhaps twenty times in the previous few years, we sent you proof, via registered mail, demonstrating that, in fact, as in EVERY OTHER CASE, the printer payment had been made quite early, and that you (HP Financial) had CASHED THE CHECK long before you wrote to us to say the bill had not been paid.
We came to the conclusion long ago that no company, anywhere in the world, probably not anywhere in this Universe or any other parallel Universe, could be accidentally this backwards, this unprofessional, this dishonest, this underhanded, this damned stupid. If you people were actually this stupid, you would never find your ways home at night. We must, therefore, go with the only other possible conclusion---that you are intentionally attempting to defraud us. We know of no other possible explanation. When we thought you were merely stupid, we felt pity for you. Now that we understand you are doing these things intentionally, we feel nothing but rage. We’ve had it with you ten times over. Consider this a declaration of legal warfare.
On 1-17-05, at 11:31 a.m. Pacific, we received a voicemail from your company. The caller identified herself as “Bonnie” (no last name given). Bonnie claimed that we are, once again, late on our lease # 500172CD in the amount of $213. Bonnie asked for a return call at 1-800-793-9423.
We are, once again, ONCE AGAIN(!) providing you with proof that this payment was sent on time, that you received it a week early, and that you cashed the check a week before the due date. See below:
At this time, we have decided to bill you for several years of letters like this that you have forced us to write. Microsoft word records the amount of time taken to draft any document created within it. In this case, you have forced us to write 29 letters, 24 of which are posted on the website referenced above. We have drafted and sent 7 faxes, all of which cost us in terms of long distance charges. We have sent 18 of these letters by regular registered mail at a cost of $5.10 each. We have sent 4 of those letters (including this one) by overnight express at a cost of $13.85 each. Here’s how it breaks down, and this is the amount we will be suing you for if you do not make restitution within 30 days:1080 minutes to write letters and/or faxes;
Our posted work rate is $55.00/hr.
18 hours X $55.00 = $990.0018 registered mail charges @ $5.10 each = $91.80
4 overnight express charges @ $13.85 each = $55.40
Total: $1137.20
You will remit this amount within 30 days. Failure to remit will result in a lawsuit to collect these damages and others. This is the amount we will “settle” for out of court, if paid within 30 days. If not received in 30 days, the amount will include attorney’s fees, travel costs, and possibly (hopefully) punitive damages as well.
In addition to the above, and whether you willingly pay the above amount or not, we will file yet another criminal complaint with your local police. We will point out to them that since we have filed two previous complaints, and you have continued to contact us in a manner which is clearly harassing, it’s about time they ACTED. If they fail to act, we will petition judges in your town in New Jersey to grant us “due process”. It’s much like a “citizen’s arrest”, and by-passes local law enforcement. We will file yet another complaint with your state’s Attorney General. And we are researching the exact physical whereabouts of HP’s CEO so that we may serve him/her (via process server) with a copy of the above-referenced website, including this letter. We will as well be emailing the website url (referenced above) to every HP employee for whom we can find an email address. It is important for them to know WHY we will never buy an HP product again, and why we are so vocal in our efforts to warn other unsuspecting businesses about the pitfalls of doing business with HP and more specifically, HP Financial. While HP itself suffers less culpability for this insanity than you do, HP is still culpable in the sense that you are part of their company, and you are obviously totally out of control. Assuming HP knows what you’ve been up to (and trust us, if they don’t, they will) and yet takes no action to correct the problem (you) then HP’s culpability will become equal to yours.
In summary, there is something wrong with you people. Perhaps it’s a ground-water problem in your area which leads to the mental retardation of the populace. You should have it checked out by the EPA.
Once again: You will cease and desist calling us. We will communicate with you ONLY in writing. In the near future that limitation will be modified so as to include ALL contact from YOU; contact will be allowed only through the court.
Sent to HP Board of Directors on 1-17-05:
We are endeavoring to supply a copy of the document(s) listed at the following url to each of you via either restricted delivery USPS mail, or by process server. In the interim, you may wish to familiarize yourselves with this issue. Trust us when we say you will sooner or later be asked to comment on it.
Delivered to Carly Fiorina on 1-17-05:
We are endeavoring to supply a copy of the document(s) listed at the following url to you via either restricted delivery USPS mail, or by process server. In the interim, you may wish to familiarize yourself with this issue. Trust us when we say you will sooner or later be asked to comment on it.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185 USA
Atten: Carly Fiorina
Via USPS Restricted Delivery Tracking # 2103 8555 7490 3095
We are enclosing one of several dozen letters from us to HP Financial Services in New Jersey. This one letter will summarize our problem.
The entire case – and it’s a doozey – may be scrutinized at the following URL:http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/
We are now in a position to post publicly that your office has been made aware of the issue. If your office does nothing to correct the problem, we will report that fact as well.
[We received NO REPLY, EVER, from HP regarding the letter above]
Above signed by Lee Eberding. We submit that Mr. Eberding is a stupid individual.
HP Financial Services Company
Murray Hill, NJ.
07974Lee Eberding,
Per yours to us of 2-9-05:
Re your promise to cease and desist contacting us by phone, especially to harass us for so-called "late payments" when, in fact, you have cashed our checks days or weeks earlier, and when, in fact, the payment(s) were not even DUE for another MONTH--- you may shove it. We've received your promises in the past, in writing, on HP's letterhead. They are worthless. We will continue with our efforts to bring criminal charges of telephone harassment against you. We've courteously given you years of opportunities to make good on your word; you've failed miserably, repeatedly, and utterly. Your "word" now has less than zero value to us---in fact to receive it is an annoyance.
Re you refusal to compensate us for the hours we've invested trying to correct YOUR mistakes, let us see if the judge agrees with your appraisal of the situation. We expect to have you served within 60 days.
We are no longer willing to settle for the sum of $1137.20.
As always, you may peruse all or most documents in this case at the following url:
In continued and perpetual disgust,
4-14-05 -- Yet another reason to avoid HP equipment and software:
We run an HP Designjet 500PS for particular jobs. This printer comes with a cheap and cheesy RIP program for processing jobs. Several days ago, while in the middle of a huge job and for no apparent reason, the RIP program stopped running. It would hang forever on the "processing" stage. Of course this was just another in a long tradition of HP software and driver problems. We sighed, uninstalled the software, reinstalled it, and tried to send a new print job. No luck. So we uninstalled everything---the print drivers, the software, the hot folder, everything. And reinstalled. It still wouldn't run. So we uninstalled in Safe Mode (WinXP), then reinstalled in safe mode. Same problem. We then had no choice but to suspend our huge rush job and begin researching the net and HP forums for a solution. Nine hours later, we still had no clue what could be causing the problem. We could still print directly to the port, but not through the RIP, and printing through the RIP was absolutely required for the job we were doing. We therefore began emailing HP, asking for detailed, specific instructions on how to uninstall and remove every single trace of their program, so that we could be sure we were reinstalling on a clean slate. We specifically asked for the locations of every registry entry that HP's software had made, so we could manually remove them and reinstall the software fresh. After a number of exchanges with HP Support, in which we repeatedly asked them for detailed uninstall directions, and which they answered with their usual boilerplate nonsense, we finally ramped up the urgency and specificity of our request. Here's HP's reply, and our final reply to them below that. We are now into this problem about 36 hours. There is no relief in site. We had to bring in another printer to finish our rush job:From HP: We are not permitted to assist you in altering your registry in any way. Please contact your computer manufacturer for assistance with your registry.
To HP: We cannot refer to the computer manufacturer for information on altering the registry because that is the domain of the OPERATING SYSTEM manufacturer. But we cannot pose this question to Microsoft either because Microsoft would have no way of knowing which entries had been placed into the registry by YOUR SOFTWARE. The fact that you do not understand this excruciatingly simple concept tells us that you are utterly incompetent. We are not and we have not asked you for instructions on altering our registry. We are merely asking you for a list of entries that YOUR SOFTWARE has made to our registry. A request doesn't GET any more specific or simple than this. Once again HP has provided us with buggy software, and has provided absolutely no support. This exchange will be posted publicly by day's end. Once again, thanks for absolutely nothing. We will now begin the process of purging out all of our HP equipment in favor of other, more competent manufacturers.
This is one worthless company. We recommend to ALL our readers and customers that they avoid HP equipment like the proverbial plague. The aggravation and lost time simply isn't worth it.
We thought the above incident was closed. However, an hour after sending our reply, we received YET ANOTHER email from HP Support, as follows:
From HP: Please retain this line in all replies: <ID:693743-805770394>
It would be greatly appreciated if you would be professional in the language you use when sending us a message. We reserve the right not to respond to people misusing our services.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are prohibited from manually altering your registry. Making any intentional change to the registry is considered an alteration.
Once again, THIS is the kind of outrageously ineffective (Read: STUPID) support you can expect from Hewlett Packard. We currently run roughly $30,000 worth of HP equipment. --And this is the best they can do for us? Would we ever buy another piece of HP equipment? One would have to be insane to think we might.
To HP: Again, your response has been posted publicly at the url shown in the previous email. With every reply you detract from HP's credibility. Since you have nothing of value to contribute to our problem, you will herewith cease and desist contacting us. We will (1) file a formal complaint by registered mail against you. We will (2) send HP a bill for our time in unravelling this mess. HP will of course refuse to pay, and we will sue HP by proxy in small claims court. All you had to do to avoid this was to escalate the matter up the chain and PROVIDE AN ANSWER. We're sorry that, as usual, you could not be bothered to do that. Again, we've had enough of you. You WILL cease and desist contacting us. Further unwanted contact will cause a criminal complaint to be filed against you. We have absolutely had enough of you.
We're still unable to get HP's RIP software to run. We decided to circumvent the entire issue and order from HP their updated RIP software. We did so, paid our money, and paid for Fed-Ex Overnight delivery. Amazingly, HP actually shipped the disc---but (you already saw this coming, didn't you) HP shipped the WRONG disc. They charged us $19 for the regular printer drivers which can be downloaded from their site for free, and they did not include any RIP software whatsoever. Of course HP won't answer their phones on the weekend, so we must wait until next week to even begin arguing with them. That'll probably take the better part of the week. Then, maybe, they'll ship out the right product. Or not. If they do ship the right product, maybe it will work. Or not. If it doesn't work, maybe HP will help us. Or not. This is a company to stay away from. We really don't know of one single task this outfit can properly or competently perform.
We were getting close to the payoff dates on several of our printers, so we wanted to see if HP Financial's termination dates matched ours. We knew, we KNEW this would become yet another fiasco. After all, we're dealing with HP Financial Services!
Hewlett Packard Financial Services by Registered Mail 0103 8555 7494 3524 xxxx
420 Mountain Ave / POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ
07974This simple request has been sent to the Atlanta office twice, and to your office once, all with no reply.
This particular copy comes to you via registered mail so that you may not claim you didn’t receive it. You may also access a copy at any time, at the following URL, which documents all prior interaction with your company:
Our question to you, posed repeatedly over the past months, is excruciatingly simple. As usual, we’re sorry your office cannot even handle this small piece of business.We are simply asking for the termination dates of the following leases.
That’s it! That’s all we want. Isn’t it amazing that it takes at least four formal letters over the period of nearly six months, to obtain this information.
lease # 5001XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXWe await your written reply.
In perpetual disgust,
4th mailing: 6-20-2005
CC: Attorney General, Internet Post
Above signed by Ida Bruno-Edelmann
Note in the above document, sent to us by HP Financial Services, that one of our printer contracts matured in June of 2005. That matched our payoff date as well, so we cancelled the automatic payments after remitting the last payment in June. But we must remember that we are dealing here with HP Financial Services, and so nothing is ever as it seems. In late August, 2005, we received the following bill from HP Financial Services, demanding a payment for the printer that was, by HP Financial's own written admission, paid off in June:
Above refers to email address: lynne.wyckoff@hp.com
HP Financial
emailed to: lynne.wyckoff@hp.comAs an attachment to this email please find a zip containing three documents on your letterhead, from you to us. The first document states that our printer lease #TF-EF39XXX matured in June of 2005. The next two documents are bills for September 2005 for this same printer. You also billed us in July and August for this same printer which was paid off in June. We thought you'd eventually figure out that the contract had matured. But this was a foolish hope, and of course you did not.
Please understand that this represents the 23rd, 24th, and 25th time in the past three years you have attempted to fraudulently extract funds from us which we did not owe, and we believe this represents the 37th or 38th time we've been forced to set the record straight with you imbeciles. We have been forced to refute your bogus charges in 18 letters sent to you via registered mail. In each case you have admitted the error, and apologized, though grudgingly. We recently billed you over $1000 for our documented time in responding to your continued madness. You have refused to pay and we are now seeking an attorney in your area to file suit. The time it has taken us to write this email will be added to that bill.
We have filed four criminal complaints against you with your local law enforcement (this will make five). We have filed three formal complaints against you with your state's Attorney General (this time will make four). We have delivered to HP's CEO an accounting of this by process server (we will deliver this document to your new one by process server as well). We have delivered a handful of cease and desist letters to you by registered mail (add this one to your growing list). We have sent copies of the website which details our experiences with you (http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/)
to every HP sales rep we could find an address for (about 20 of them). This email is now displayed on that website.And still you attempt to virtually extort funds from us which we do not owe you.
Please do not make us book a flight to visit you in your office. It will not be pretty or fun.
Enough is enough. You are undertaking this action, in our view, as a form of criminal harassment. You will cease and desist AGAIN.
And then you will, quite bluntly, go f*ck yourselves. Don't like our language? --Then please forward a copy of this entire email to someone you think will believe that you haven't earned it and don't deserve it. There is something wrong with you people as human beings, and HP's upper management will be made aware of it in the most public of ways.
8-20-05We've been too weak for too long in our interactions with this company. Our efforts to STOP THEM will now be increased by an order of magnitude. It's clear that this company will never, ever stop this BS until they are physically stopped. We submit that NO company anywhere on Earth has the time or patience to deal with a company like this. Again, our heartfelt advice is to avoid HP Financial Services at all costs.
8-24-05: HP has offered to allow us to serve their legal department with a copy of this website; unfortunately we did that a couple of years ago and they were too unprofessional (or arrogant?) to reply. We will continue our efforts to serve HP's new CEO Mark Hurd personally. If we have to serve the guy at home during Thanksgiving dinner then so be it -- someone, somewhere within HP is going to be made aware of the behavior of its financial division.
Stay tuned: This struggle is far from over, and every facet will be appended on this website.
Once again, despite all our efforts on previous pages, HP Financial Services has billed us for a printer that was, by their own admission on their own letterhead, paid off nearly six months ago. The following letter was sent via registered mail to the New Providence Police Department, and to half a dozen offices and persons at HP Financial Services.
New Providence Police Dept
360 Elkwood Ave, New Providence, NJ
Proof of Delivery: 1Z3996YA4298023
Please consider this a formal complaint of harassment against the following individual employed by the following company, and against the company as a whole:
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974
We believe this office is in your jurisdiction.
We believe the following persons may or may not be involved as well: All are employees of the above-reference company:
Lee Eberding
Sharon L. Petrosini
Other names may be added in time.
This is a situation which has continued for some three or four years despite our best attempts to stop it.
We are a company who leased a number of large, commercial printers from HP (Hewlett Packard) using their financial arm, HP Financial Services, beginning something like four years ago. We have never been so much as one day late in any payment, and this is documented. This company turned out to be unprofessional and incompetent beyond any and all human imagining. Unfortunately, stupidity is not a crime. Over the years this company removed funds from our bank account that it was not entitled to on several occasions, and when we forcibly retrieved the funds and served them with legal documents preventing them from removing any more funds, they immediately removed more funds. Again we were forced to retrieve our money. We fought with this company tooth and nail in matters like this virtually every single month over bogus late charges and erroneous late notices, all of which took a great deal of time to respond to and straighten out. Still, none of this constitutes a crime. But harassment does.
At one point a couple of years ago this company learned that we had posted an accounting of our experiences with them on the Internet. This made them angry, and the subsequent knowledge that they could do nothing to have it removed made them angrier still. They began crank-calling our phone lines. We documented it, and turned in a complaint (actually several complaints) of activity that was in our opinion telephone harassment to your office. Over the next year or two we filed several more complaints with your office, with the Attorney General’s office, and with the CEO of HP itself. You should have some of these documents in your files.
It appears that certain employees of HP Financial Services realized that while they could do nothing about our website, and they could do nothing to us in terms of late fees since we had never been a single day late on a single payment, they still wanted some type of retaliation. To that end they continued to send us bills for amounts we did not owe. Most recently we received yet another bill for an account that was paid off way back in June of 2005. The document below, received from HP, shows that the account in question (the last one on the list) is paid off, yet we continue to receive bills from HP Financial Services (parts of the document are blocked out as it is posted on the Internet).
Since the one account was paid off, and since we saw HP’s refusal to stop sending us bills for it as a deliberate and premeditated pattern of harassment (in our opinion, of course), we wrote them the following email, hoping we could finally get through their thick heads and convince them to cease and desist. The email below was received by HP (we sent it with delivery confirmation and we received back an electronic signature showing the date and time they opened the email).
HP Financial
emailed to: lynne.wyckoff@hp.com
As an attachment to this email please find a zip containing three documents on your letterhead, from you to us. The first document states that our printer lease #TF-EF39XXX matured in June of 2005. The next two documents are bills for September 2005 for this same printer. You also billed us in July and August for this same printer which was paid off in June. We thought you'd eventually figure out that the contract had matured. But this was a foolish hope, and of course you did not.
Please understand that this represents the 23rd, 24th, and 25th time in the past three years you have attempted to fraudulently extract funds from us which we did not owe, and we believe this represents the 37th or 38th time we've been forced to set the record straight with you imbeciles. We have been forced to refute your bogus charges in 18 letters sent to you via registered mail. In each case you have admitted the error, and apologized, though grudgingly. We recently billed you over $1000 for our documented time in responding to your continued madness. You have refused to pay and we are now seeking an attorney in your area to file suit. The time it has taken us to write this email will be added to that bill.
We have filed four criminal complaints against you with your local law enforcement (this will make five). We have filed three formal complaints against you with your state's Attorney General (this time will make four). We have delivered to HP's CEO (prior to Mark Hurd) an accounting of this by process server (we will deliver this document to your new one by process server as well). We have delivered a handful of cease and desist letters to you by registered mail (add this one to your growing list). We have sent copies of the website which details our experiences with you (http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/)
to every HP sales rep we could find an address for (about 20 of them). This email is now displayed on that website.
And still you attempt to virtually extort funds from us which we do not owe you.
Please do not make us book a flight to visit you in your office. It will not be pretty or fun.
Enough is enough. You are undertaking this action [in our opinion] as a form of harassment. You will cease and desist AGAIN.
And then you will, quite bluntly, go f*ck yourselves. Don't like our language? --Then please forward a copy of this entire email to someone you think will believe that you haven't earned it and don't deserve it. There is something wrong with you people as human beings, and HP's upper management will be made aware of it in the most public of ways.
The above email to HP gives you a pretty good idea of our level of frustration with this rogue company, and it explains a few of the steps we’ve taken over the past three or four years to get this company to stop [in our opinion] harassing us. Again, make no mistake: No company in the world – Hell, no company in any Third World country could “accidentally” make this many mistakes. It simply isn’t possible. This is premeditated, organized harassment. HP Financial Services is sending out bogus bills to us, over and over and over, knowing full-well that the bills are bogus, because they know we have no choice but to respond to these bills or risk more trouble later on when HP sends the account(s) to collection. HP is doing this on purpose for the sole purpose of trying to cause us grief. That is, after all, the kind of company we’re dealing with here.
We had hoped the above email would be enough to get HP to stop billing us for this paid-off printer. Most of our leases through them are maturing in the next few months, and we were hoping to simply keep them at bay until all of our contracts were paid off. But these people simply will not stop. On 9-28-05 we received YET ANOTHER bill for this same printer, which was, by HP’s own written admission shown above, paid off in June of 2005. That bill is attached to this letter.
This is another instance, in our view, of premeditated harassment. There can be no other possible conclusion, and we don’t believe the trial judge will be able to come to any other conclusion either.
At this time we are asking for a case number. We are also asking for the address of the proper court in your area with which we may file a restraining order against all of the individuals listed above, namely Lynne Wyckoff, Lee Eberding, Sharon L. Petrosini and against HP Financial Services as a whole. Once such an order is in place we’ll have far more leverage in regard to future harassment.
We are now offering a $100 reward for the current address of HP’s CEO, Mark Hurd, so that we may deliver to him by process server a copy of our HP website in its entirety.
Again, you may access an accounting of the entire fiasco at:
We prefer that all correspondence in this matter be in writing.
Thank you, 9-28-05
HP and the New Providence Police all signed for their copies of the above letter. We received NO REPLY from any HP office. We received NO REPLY from the New Providence Police Department. That would tend to prove out our theory that there's a ground-water problem in New Jersey. It can't all be Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.On 10-24-05 we received yet another bill for the printer that was paid off nearly six months ago. At this point only an insane person could argue that this contact from HP Financial Services is accidental. To the contrary, it is intentional. This is the mentality we've been dealing with for four years. This is the type of stunt these people have pulled over and over and over, nearly on a bi-weekly basis, for four years. Is this a company YOUR corporation wants to do business with? At this point we're writing up a form letter that will be sent via registered mail to HP in New Jersey, and HP in Atlanta, and to the police departments in both cities, each and every time HP contacts us with a bogus bill. The letter will be simple, and easily updated. In fact, we may just go ahead and print a few dozen of them, all with dates one month apart, and keep them in a stack next to our outgoing bin. Each month, when we receive the harassing bills, we'll simply send another cease and desist letter to HP, and another criminal complaint to each police department. At some point, whether six months or two years down the road, our attorney will advise us that we have documented the situation enough to warrant a whopping lawsuit against HP and of failure to investigate against one or both police departments. In other words, we're going to give HP Financial Services all the rope they need, and we've no doubt they'll use it to continue to hang themselves. HP Financial Services is, without a doubt, the worst company, by an order of magnitude, we've ever dealt with, and that includes companies in Third World countries.This page contains the form letter we are sending out to HP Financial Services offices in New Jersey and Atlanta each and every time they send us a bogus bill for equipment that was paid off in mid 2005. This page also contains the criminal complaint of harassment [in our opinion] we are sending out to the police departments in New Jersey and Atlanta each and every time one of HP's employees contacts us against our wishes. The dates that each document are sent are shown. Once again, is HP Financial Services a company YOU want to do business with?
New Providence Police Dept
360 Elkwood Ave,
New Providence, NJ 07974Tracking # New Providence Police: 1Z3996YA4294822545
Tracking # Atlanta Police: 1Z3996YA4290437559
Tracking # HP Financial, Atlanta: 21038555749153856265
Tracking # HP Financial, New Jersey: 1Z3996YA4291764364Please consider this a formal complaint of criminal harassment against the following company:
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6
Murray Hill, NJ 07974Roughly four years ago we leased and/or purchased a number of high-end, commercial printers from Hewlett Packard, and financed them through their financing arm, HP Financial Services. HP Financial has offices in New Jersey and Atlanta. Both offices work in concert with one another, and both are equally culpable in this matter.
From day-one this company was as screwed up as companies anywhere in the world can get. On numerous occasions they removed funds from our bank account which they were not entitled to. In some cases we were forced to file legal documents preventing them access to our account(s), and immediately after filing said documents they found ways to circumvent them and remove even more funds from our account. We finally got that mess straightened out by filing even more legal documents threatening a suit and criminal action of they did not cease and desist. They finally did cease that particular stunt, but started anew with numerous other stunts. We have been forced to serve this company with legal documents nearly every month that we’ve dealt with them over the past roughly four years. We finally resorted to posting a website detailing our experiences with HP Financial Services, which has now grown to seven pages, and is expected to grow to as many more. The URL is listed below:http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/
We have filed more complaints than we can count, some for actual telephone harassment by HP Financial Services employees. Still, HP Financial Services continues to harass us. HP continues this activity because, we believe, they were offended when we insulted them after they began removing funds from our account to which they were not entitled. Further, they are angry because we have posted a website detailing their activities and their manner of doing business. They have, therefore, we believe it can be proven, undertaken a premeditated, conscious, willful regimen of sending us bogus bills to which we MUST respond, for the simple purpose of causing us to waste time, to cause us grief, and to harass us.
The matter that concerns us today, at this late date, is the matter of our contract #TF-EF39606. As the document, enclosed, shows clearly, this printer was paid off way back in June of 2005. This document, you will note, is written on HP’s own letterhead. All payments were made on time (usually a month early), as always. The other two documents, enclosed, show that HP is continuing to bill us for this printer. The bills are sent from the Atlanta office, but are generated by the New Jersey office. At first glance one might think this was an honest mistake on HP’s part. Large corporations, after all, seldom get anything right, and HP is one of the worst offenders. But this type of problem has continued nearly every month for roughly FOUR YEARS. This PARTICULAR over-billing has continued now for nearly half a year. We have served HP Financial Services with copies of their own documentation, showing that the item was paid off many months ago, by registered mail and by other registered means, repeatedly since June of 2005. We have served the Atlanta office of HP Financial Services many, many times with copies of their own documentation, and with demands that they cease and desist attempting to defraud us by billing us for an account that was clearly paid off nearly half a year ago. In no instance, in NO INSTANCE have we received any reply from HP Financial Services, either in New jersey or Atlanta, except in the form of yet another bill for the same paid-off account. At this point it is crystal clear: There is no reasonable person on the planet who could any longer hold out any hope that this was an “innocent” or “accidental” mistake on the part of HP Financial Services. This is premeditated, conscious, willful harassment, and we demand that it stop. HP Financial Services has shown that it will NEVER stop this harassment until it is PHYSICALLY PREVENTED from doing so. Therefore, we ask that this be registered as a formal complaint of criminal harassment against HP Financial Services. At the same time, we request to know the proper court or agency in New Jersey that we need to file with in order to obtain a court-ordered restraining order against HP Financial Services. This is our second request to your office for this information. We received no reply to the first. This complaint comes to you via registered mail. This complaint will continue to come to you via registered mail each and every time we are subjected to another instance of harassment by HP Financial Services. Sooner or later you will have no choice but to act against HP Financial Services. We submit that we’ve put up with them for long enough (four years) and that there is nothing to be gained by waiting any longer. To continue to contact someone who asked (demanded) that you cease and desist, for no other purpose than to annoy, intimidate and harass is a crime. It is the job of the police to investigate and to stop crimes from being committed. We are asking you to stop this company and this individual from continuing to commit crimes against us. Enough is enough. HP Financial Services will never stop until they are STOPPED. We have no other recourse except to ask law enforcement for relief. We’ve tried every other reasonable approach and method (times 50) over a four year period with no relief whatsoever. The bullshit stops here and now.[signature]
Seattle, Wa., 9811710-26-05
UPDATE:The Providence Police Department has responded as follows. The complaint is being re-routed to the Berkeley Heights Police Department:
This page contains the form letter we are sending out to HP Financial Services offices in New Jersey and Atlanta each and every time they send us a bogus bill for equipment that was paid off in mid 2005. This page also contains the criminal complaint of harassment we are sending out to the police departments in New Jersey and Atlanta each and every time one of HP's employees contacts us against our wishes. The dates that each document are sent are shown. Once again, is HP Financial Services a company YOU want to do business with?
Atlanta PD
Richard Pennington
Chief of Police
Office of the Chief
675 Ponce De Leon Ave
Please consider this a formal complaint of harassment against the following company:
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
POB 403265
Atlanta, GA., 30384-3265The following persons may nor may not be involved as well: All are employees of the above-reference company:
Lynn Wyckoff
Lee Eberding
Sharon L. PetrosiniOther names may be added in time.
This is a complaint of ongoing acts of harassment against us, by HP Financial Services. Note that in the document (below), written on HP’s own letterhead, our printer, account #TF-EF39609, was paid off way back in June of 2005. HP Financial Services has continued to bill us for this printer, however, ever since that time. HP Financial Services, both in Atlanta and in Berkeley Heights, has been advised of this situation by registered mail and by other registered means more times than we can count. Indeed, it has proven necessary to serve HP Financial Services with one legal document after another over the span of roughly four years, for similar problems. In no case, in not one instance, has HP Financial Services responded to our demands that they cease and desist contacting us regarding this printer – not to apologize, not to claim there is an error in our calculations, not to claim their letter noting the payoff was in error, nothing. This follows a long and established pattern by HP Financial Services. We have encountered problems like this for roughly four years, including unauthorized removal of funds from our bank account, and telephone harassment in which employees of HP Financial Services called us repeatedly and hung up, or called us repeatedly and yelled unintelligible phrases into the phone until we hung up. We believe that those in management at HP Financial Services are mentally handicapped, and we believe we can prove that they have set forth on a conscious, premeditated regimen of, in our view, harassment against us because we had the audacity to stop them from illegally removing funds from our account, and because we have told them what we think of their stupidity, counter-productiveness, incompetence, unprofessionalism and dishonesty.
In any case, HP Financial Services has been notified over and over and over ad nauseam, by registered mail and by other documented means, to cease and desist contacting us except in cases of legitimate business. Since this printer was, by their own admission, paid off over six months ago, HP Financial Services has no legitimate reason to continue to contact us regarding this printer. That they continue to do so, despite our many documented demands that they stop, may well be considered a criminal act of willful harassment in a court of law. Harassment, as you know, is a crime.
You have received this complaint each month that HP Financial Services [in our opinion] harasses us, and you will continue to receive this complaint each time this happens in the future.
We ask that you log this as a criminal complaint against HP Financial Services, and that you investigate it, and, given the evidence, send it up to the D.A. for prosecution. If the D.A. refuses to prosecute it (what a surprise that would be), we’ll file the charge as a citizen complaint using the due process laws, and we’ll prosecute it ourselves. The required procedure is, however, for us to exhaust all other remedies first.
We also ask that you supply us with an address and a brief description of the procedure for filing a restraining order against a company (HP Financial Services) in your jurisdiction.
You may always access a larger file documenting this and other problems with HP Financial Services by logging in to the following URL:
Thank you,
Seattle, Wa., 9811711-20-05
Berkeley Heights Police Dept
29 Park Avenue
New Providence, NJ
Please consider this a formal complaint of harassment against the following individual employed by the following company, and against the company as a whole:
Lynne Wyckoff
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974The following persons may nor may not be involved as well: All are employees of the above-reference company:
Lee Eberding
Sharon L. PetrosiniOther names may be added in time.
This is a complaint of ongoing acts of harassment against us, by HP Financial Services. Note that in the document (below), written on HP’s own letterhead, our printer, account #TF-EF39609, was paid off way back in June of 2005. HP Financial Services has continued to bill us for this printer, however, ever since that time. HP Financial Services, both in Atlanta and in Berkeley Heights, has been advised of this situation by registered mail and by other registered means more times than we can count. Indeed, it has proven necessary to serve HP Financial Services with one legal document after another over the span of roughly four years, for similar problems. In no case, in not one instance, has HP Financial Services responded to our demands that they cease and desist contacting us regarding this printer – not to apologize, not to claim there is an error in our calculations, not to claim their letter noting the payoff was in error, nothing. This follows a long and established pattern by HP Financial Services. We have encountered problems like this for roughly four years, including unauthorized removal of funds from our bank account, and telephone harassment in which employees of HP Financial Services called us repeatedly and hung up, or called us repeatedly and yelled unintelligible phrases into the phone until we hung up. We believe that those in management at HP Financial Services are mentally handicapped, and we believe we can prove that they have set forth on a conscious, premeditated regimen of harassment against us because we had the audacity to stop them from illegally removing funds from our account, and because we have told them what we think of their stupidity, counter-productiveness, incompetence, unprofessionalism and dishonesty.
In any case, HP Financial Services has been notified over and over and over ad nauseam, by registered mail and by other documented means, to cease and desist contacting us except in cases of legitimate business. Since this printer was, by their own admission, paid off over six months ago, HP Financial Services has no legitimate reason to continue to contact us regarding this printer. That they continue to do so, despite our many documented demands that they stop, may well be considered a criminal act of willful harassment in a court of law. Harassment, as you know, is a crime.
You have received this complaint each month that HP Financial Services harasses us, and you will continue to receive this complaint each time this happens in the future.
We ask that you log this as a criminal complaint against HP Financial Services, and that you investigate it, and, given the evidence, send it up to the D.A. for prosecution. If the D.A. refuses to prosecute it (what a surprise that would be), we’ll file the charge as a citizen complaint using the due process laws, and we’ll prosecute it ourselves. The required procedure is, however, for us to exhaust all other remedies first.
We also ask that you supply us with an address and a brief description of the procedure for filing a restraining order against a company (HP Financial Services) in your jurisdiction.
You may always access a larger file documenting this and other problems with HP Financial Services by logging in to the following URL:
Thank you,
$100 REWARDAt this time we are formally offering a $100 reward for any physical address at which we may serve HP's CEO Mark Hurd with a copy of this website, via process server. We delivered such a copy to Carly Fiorina, but a week later she'd been "replaced". To claim this reward, simply supply an appropriate address to the address listed on our "CONTACT" page. We'll confirm it, and assuming we are able to certify a delivery to Mr. Hurd via process server, we'll immediately pay the reward by Paypal or any other common means. The first claimant to offer a valid address, of course, will be paid. Subsequent submitters will not (we'll update this page immediately once the delivery has been made).
Why are we so Hell-bent on serving Mark Hurd personally? Why not just send a letter to his office -- surely his staff will give it to him, right? We've been sending emails and registered letters to HP's CEO's executive offices for about three years. We've only received one reply, which came in early December, 2005 by email and which said nothing. In fact the writer seemed to have simply feigned stupidity. We've sent cease and desist letters to HP's legal office on about the same schedule. We have yet to receive a single (!) reply from them. We can document dozens of times over that HP has been made aware of this on-going problem. We can prove it. It is a fact. Yet HP has not mustered the simple human courtesy (or professionalism) to reply in any meaningful way. Unfortunately there's no way to actually pinpoint and place the blame. Who, in HP, is not doing their job? There's no way to know. If a news crew were to storm into HP's executive office and demand an answer (to the question: why won't you stop, in our view, harassing [us]), that news team would come away empty-handed. Every single employee in HP could simply say, "I wasn't aware of it; I just work here". We've even delivered letters to names in the executive office by "restricted delivery" registered mail. But those receipts come back to us signed by that person's "agent" (i.e. secretary), and we're still left with no way to verify that any particular person in HP was made aware of this problem and then chose to do nothing about it. We're pursuing a plain old vanilla restraining order against HP as a company, but it's proving complicated in that the court prefers to grant such an order against an individual. Thus, we need to document that at least one individual, in a position of authority at HP, has been warned to cease and desist. Then, when they continue to, in our view, harass us [in our view] with bogus bills, our retraining order can breeze through the process and be formally granted. Once that's accomplished, further harassing contact in violation of the court order is automatically deemed a much more serious crime than plain harassment, and our complaints to law enforcement will have bigger and sharper teeth.
Now, having read the above, doesn't it just amaze and confound the reader to realize that an HP customer must go to such lengths to solve what would ordinarily be a staggeringly simple problem?
As noted, HP's executive office did respond to our email for the first time in three or more years, in early December 2005. We had emailed them the same old message we had always emailed them, namely that we were sick of harassment. We explained that this was a problem of harassment, that it had already been turned over to the authorities, and that the entire case could be perused at any time by simply reading this website. As always, a URL was provided. In reply we found a voicemail on our system from a woman who identified herself as working in the executive office. She stated that she was unable to supply an address for Mark Hurd, and that the office had no idea what this was about and did not understand why we had contacted them. We're sorry they couldn't be bothered to actually READ the email, or to refer to the link for further clarification. What a surprise it is that HP couldn't figure this out either.
Our reply to the voicemail appears below. We have received no reply whatsoever via any medium. We don't expect to. THAT is how HP does business.
We're due to receive, any day, yet another bogus bill for a printer that was paid off six months ago. That will elicit yet another criminal complaint to PDs in Atlanta and New Jersey. Each and every instance of this adds credibility to our case, and serves to prove that this is premeditated harassment. After all this time, what else could it be?
Email REPLY TO HP's Executive Office:
We did receive your telephone call several days ago. We thought we had insisted in our original email that all correspondence be in writing. In case we didn't, this will serve to suffice: Any and all interaction WILL be in writing. In your voicemail you stated that you didn't understand the message we had left. That's curious, since it was exceedingly clear. Let us try again: We are offering a $100 reward for any physical address where Mark Hurd can be physically served with a document. You've stated that you cannot divulge that information, which is pretty-much as we expected. It doesn't really matter, as someone, somewhere, sooner or later will want the hundred bucks and will cough up an address. We'll then hire a process server in that area and have Mr. Hurd served. What's our purpose? It is exactly as we've described in our previous email -- the one you said you didn't understand. We are having an extremely serious problem with a branch of your company, one which has forced us to file many criminal complaints against that division over the past few years. There are several complaints of criminal harassment pending at this very moment, in Atlanta and New Jersey. We don't for a New York second believe that Mark Hurd, or anyone else at HP, will lift a finger to stop this criminal activity -- at least not until someone is actually arrested. Our purpose in serving Hurd personally is merely to document that he has been made aware of the problem, and will do nothing to stop it. The few hundred bucks we'll spend on this endeavor is worth it to us, merely to document to the public, what kind of company HP is. We're sorry you didn't understand this from the last email. Indeed we have been emailing this to your office for roughly three years now. It's curious that your very first response came only when you realized we were offering a reward for an address. Once again, for perhaps the 20th time, you may review our case as posted publicly at the following url. Of course this was supplied to you countless times over the past three years, including the email a week or so ago, which you finally responded to. Again, we're sorry that, even after having been given the url which details the entire case, you still insist you don't know what it's about. It's about harassment by HP, it's about numerous criminal complaints filed against HP, and it's about the restraining orders we are in the process of obtaining against HP. Here's the link. This email will be posted within those pages in the next day or two. http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/. If you care to reply, please do so IN WRITING ONLY, either by email or by snail-mail. You can defuse this entire situation quickly and easily, merely by stopping the harassment coming from your company. Or you can allow it to continue, and to become a larger and larger issue, more and more in the public spotlight. If you care not to reply, that will certainly help demonstrate our case, and the mentality of your company. Your legal department has been advised of this problem countless times over the years, always by registered mail. We've never received a single reply from them. What a surprise. And the harassment continues. What in the Hell is the matter with you people?
Emailed at 23:04 Pacific, 12-7-05. CC to website.
We'll raise the reward if and as needed over the next weeks and months until an address is obtained. A copy of our service to Mr. Hurd will be posted on this page once he's been served.
UPDATE 12-26-05
HP Financial Services has elected not to send us any bills for December -- not even for our legitimate, open accounts. Does this mean we don't have to pay them anymore? No. It merely means that HP Financial Services has chosen to demonstrate to the world, once again, that there is not one single thing, not one solitary endeavor, not one individual task it can perform correctly. We've heard nothing of significance from HP Financial Services for many months now, except, of course, to receive bills for our printer that was paid off way back in June of 2005. Perhaps in the future they'll be sending us bills for the printer payments that are legitimately due, or perhaps we'll never hear from them again. Nothing -- and we did meant to choose that word explicitly -- nothing they could ever do would surprise us. All payments for all printers to HP Financial Services have been sent to them automatically over the years. We'll continue to make those payments until, by our calculations, the printers are paid off, and then we'll serve HP Financial Services with legal notice of our intent to stop the payments, then we'll cease. What a way to have to do business. Wouldn't the reader like his or her own corporation to become enmeshed and entrapped in a miserable problem such as this? Yes? Well, it's easy to accomplish! Just do business with Hewlett Packard!
Your IP Address:
First Name: Marcus
Last Name: Costa
Email: mvcostaXXX@yahoo.com.br (email address altered for public view)
Message: I'm e-mailing you concerning the problems you're having with HP. I'm also having problems with them (but here in Brazil), and I was searching for Mr. Hud's contact. That's what I found. I don't know if it's correct, but I've sent an e-mail to this adress. Hope it works for you: Mark Hurd, CEO mark.hurd@hp.com Hewlett-Packard Co 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-857-1501 Fax: 650-857-5 [truncated by Outlook -- thanks again, Bill Gates]Unfortunately, addresses like this provide Hurd and others with a "ring of protection" that's difficult or impossible to penetrate -- certainly by design. If you try to mail something in, even using "restricted delivery", one of the staff will represent themselves as Hurd's "legal agent" and intercept the communication; there's no way to prove it ever reached the CEO or other intended target, and it probably has not. If you try to serve Hurd personally through one of the corporate addresses using a process server, the staff either refuses entry to the server, or represents Hurd as not being available, or even there. Process servers will usually only make three attempts before charging an additional $150 or so, to try again. HP knows this, and probably gets great enjoyment from costing its frustrated customers even more money in this manner. We receive emails like the above several times per week. --Seems there's no shortage of HP's
victimscustomers, struggling to get relief -- or, indeed, even a logical reply. We may start posting these emails, as time allows. In order to actually get through to these people (HP employees and execs), literally and figuratively, we're going to need to start finding home addresses for them, so the process servers can catch them coming outdoors for the morning paper, or at the local grocery store or gas station, country club, massage parlor, whatever... It always occurs to us that HP could save a Hell of a lot of money and energy by simply addressing the problems of its customers in a competent, honorable fashion, rather than to spend their lives literally hiding from difficulties that could have been utterly and completely SOLVED by one hour's worth of intelligence and professionalism. Had we ever been stupid enough to invest in this company, which, thankfully, we aren't and never have been, we'd see the handwriting on the wall in instances like this, and would immediately get out.
On 1-14-06 we received yet another bill from HP Financial Services (with a due date of 1-22) for a printer that was, by HP's own admission, paid off seven (7) months prior, in June of 2005. This page will detail our seventh criminal complaint of harassment against HP Financial Services to police departments in both New Jersey, and Atlanta. New Jersey has issued a case number and is awaiting the return of our documentation to file charges. Atlanta PD has not been able to muster the simple professionalism to respond in any way; a complaint is being drafted against Atlanta PD. We have now brought our attorney into the case. Documentation of this latest complaint appears below:
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974Hewlett Packard Corporation and HP Financial Services
POB 402582, Atlanta, GA., 30384-2582Hewlett Packard Corporate Office
3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185Registered Mail Receipts (respectively):
1Z3996YA42967xxxxMark Hurd, CEO:
Henceforth our letters will be addressed to Mark Hurd; we hold him personally responsible for this fiasco.
In June of 2005, according to your own document (enclosed), our lease # TF-EF39609 matured. Our final payment was made in June of 2005. That reflects our own accounting, and it obviously reflects HP's accounting per the enclosed document to us from one Ida Bruno-Edelmann, dated 6-23-05.
Since June of 2005, as you know, you have continued to bill us for this printer.
Since July of 2005 we have made you aware that the printer was paid off, and we have delivered a similar document to you each and every month by registered mail.
Since you were made aware of the situation yet did not once reply to our letters, we were left to consider your continued billing as a form of petty harassment. You have no legitimate reason to continue to bill us for this printer; you have been threatened with legal and criminal action if you do not stop; you refuse to make any attempt to legitimize your billings; you refuse to reply or respond to us in any way. No reasonable person could come to any conclusion other than that you are willfully harassing us, most likely as a childish form of what you percieve to be retaliation for our posting of our experiences with you at the following URL:
In point of fact, your stupid actions to date, and continuing, only serve to make you look even more foolish and undesireable in the consumer's eye. --Guess you're really showing us.
In the fall of 2005 we began filing police complaints of criminal harassment against you.
You were made aware of these complaints on numerous occasions (you were delivered copies of them), by registered mail, yet, again, you chose not to reply in any way whatsoever, except to continue to bill us for a printer which was by your own written admission paid off.
The police department at your New Jersey location has issued a case number for our complaints; they are awaiting our documentation to file charges.
The Atlanta PD has refused to respond to our repeated complaints delivered to them via registered mail. We are filing a complaint against Atlanta PD through your local Sheriff's office. Perhaps there's a ground-water problem in Atlanta that induces some kind of mental retardation into the populace---
You have been invited and encouraged to make us aware of any discrepancy you might have regarding the payoff date of the printer in question. These requests have been delivered to you by registered mail repeatedly over seven months. You have resolutely refused to reply or to explain in any way why you continue to bill us for a printer that was, by your own written admission, paid off in June of 2005. Your silence has, in the minds of your potential
victimsconsumers, become deafening.We have continued to ask for an explanation not because we felt you were intelligent enough to provide one, but to document the fact to courts who will sooner or later hear this case that you have no interest in resolving this problem whatsoever, just as you have no interest in ceasing to harass. Bluntly: We are building our case against you, and you are supplying us with all the cause we could ever hope for.
Our demands that you cease and desist this [in our opinion] harassment have been delivered to the following HP offices countless times, always via registered mail, since July of 2005: The Corporate office of the CEO, both financial centers in Atlanta and New Jersey, to your legal department, and to various and assorted other HP offices around the country. The fact that we have gone above and beyond the call of duty in struggling to resolve this mess is documented perhaps as well as any such effort in history. The fact that you have steadfastly and belligerently refused to take even the smallest, slightest steps to even attempt to resolve this problem are as well documented, and speak loudly to the core character (or lack thereof) of Hewlett Packard as a company. You are, in our view, without doubt, the worst, most unprofessional, most problematic, most dishonest, dishonorable, incompetent, counter-productive company doing business in America today.
We have now brought our attorney on board. She will be serving you shortly. You've left us no choice but to file a restraining order against you -- locally or at your location is still being researched. Similarly we are researching whether we can sue you in Washington, or whether we must travel to Atlanta. We are at this time offering a $100 reward for any physical address at which we may formally serve Mark Hurd. Sooner or later we'll be supplied one.
Again, for perhaps the fifteenth or twentieth time, for the record: Our accounting shows that the printer referenced above was paid off in June of 2005; your own records (see copy enclosed) also show this to be the case. You have been asked repeatedly, by registered mail, over the course of seven months, to explain your reasoning for continuing to bill us for this lease. Obviously if you can submit documentation showing beyond all doubt that additional money is owed on this printer, we would pay it immediately. The fact that you have resolutely refused to offer any such explanation over seven months, and the fact that you have not once attempted to actually collect any of these amounts, and the fact that you have not once attempted to add any sort of late fees to these amounts, demonstrate clearly to all reasonable human beings that you do not in any actual way dispute the June payoff date on this printer. That leaves one explanation as to your continued billing for this paid-off account: Premeditated, orchestrated harassment. Fortunately we have laws against such reprehensible behavior.
On 1-14-06 we received yet another bill from you for this printer (see enclosed). That billing has earned you yet another criminal complaint both in New Jersey and in Atlanta.
Again, we demand that you cease and desist contacting us except for legitimate purposes. To bill us for legitimate and open leases would be considered a legitimate purpose (incidentally, you have stopped billing us for our legitimate lease payments! What in God's name is the matter with you people!?). To explain your accounting for the above-referenced lease would be also considered a legitimate purpose to contact us. To continue to bill us for a printer that your own letter has shown to be paid-off, does not in any way constitute legitimate contact; it is, rather, contact which serves no possible purpose except to alarm and annoy, and that is part of our legal definition of criminal harassment. Look it up.
In perpetual disgust and contempt,
Atlanta PD
Richard Pennington
Chief of Police
Office of the Chief
675 Ponce De Leon Ave
Please consider this a formal complaint of harassment against the following company:
Hewlett Packard Financial Services
POB 403265
Atlanta, GA., 30384-3265Registered receipt: 1Z3996YA429760xxxx
The following persons may nor may not be involved as well: All are employees of the above-reference company:
Lynn Wyckoff
Lee Eberding
Sharon L. PetrosiniOther names may be added in time.
This is a complaint of ongoing acts of, in our opinion, harassment against us, by HP Financial Services. Note that in the document (below), written on HP’s own letterhead, our printer, account #TF-EF39609, was paid off way back in June of 2005. HP Financial Services has continued to bill us for this printer, however, ever since that time. HP Financial Services, both in Atlanta and in Berkeley Heights, has been advised of this situation by registered mail and by other registered means more times than we can count. Indeed, it has proven necessary to serve HP Financial Services with one legal document after another over the span of roughly four years, for similar problems. In no case, in not one instance, has HP Financial Services responded to our demands that they cease and desist contacting us regarding this printer – not to apologize, not to claim there is an error in our calculations, not to claim their letter noting the payoff was in error, nothing. This follows a long and established pattern by HP Financial Services. We have encountered problems like this for roughly four years, including unauthorized removal of funds from our bank account, and telephone harassment in which employees of HP Financial Services called us repeatedly and hung up, or called us repeatedly and yelled unintelligible phrases into the phone until we hung up. We believe that those in management at HP Financial Services are mentally handicapped, and we believe we can prove that they have set forth on a conscious, premeditated regimen of, in our view, harassment against us because we had the audacity to stop them from illegally removing funds from our account, and because we have told them what we think of their stupidity, counter-productiveness, incompetence, unprofessionalism and dishonesty.
In any case, HP Financial Services has been notified over and over and over ad nauseam, by registered mail and by other documented means, to cease and desist contacting us except in cases of legitimate business. Since this printer was, by their own admission, paid off over six months ago, HP Financial Services has no legitimate reason to continue to contact us regarding this printer. That they continue to do so, despite our many documented demands that they stop, may well be considered a criminal act of willful harassment in a court of law. Harassment, as you know, is a crime.
You have received this complaint each month that HP Financial Services harasses us, and you will continue to receive this complaint each time this happens in the future.
We ask that you log this as a criminal complaint against HP Financial Services, and that you investigate it, and, given the evidence, send it up to the D.A. for prosecution. If the D.A. refuses to prosecute it (what a surprise that would be), we’ll file the charge as a citizen complaint using the due process laws, and we’ll prosecute it ourselves. The required procedure is, however, for us to exhaust all other remedies first.
We also ask that you supply us with an address and a brief description of the procedure for filing a restraining order against a company (HP Financial Services) in your jurisdiction.
You may always access a larger file documenting this and other problems with HP Financial Services by logging in to the following URL:
Thank you,
We can scarcely remember a single month in the past four + years in which HP did not screw up at least one aspect of their billing to us. Above is yet another example. We did provide proof of insurance to HP Financial Services on two occasions, but they continued billing us for their insurance, contrary to their contract with us. We considered this too small of a problem to make an issue of, but it's yet another example, out of dozens upon dozens, of the peculiar brand of stupidity and unprofessionalism we've been subjected to for four years at the hands of HP Financial Services.
On 1-24-06, after more than seven (7) MONTHS of writing registered letters to HP Financial Services, and, receiving no replies, filing complaint after complaint after complaint to various law enforcement agencies, we have finally, astoundingly, received a one page reply from HP. And here it is:
At first glance it would seem to pretty-well encapsulate the case and bring it to conclusion.
But HP is the Master of first impressions.Our reply:
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974Thank you for responding after nearly eight months of registered-mail demands that you do so. Had you mustered the simple professionalism to respond in a timeley matter way back in the summer of 2005, much nonsense could have been avoided. We ask you now, pointedly, and this is not to be considered a rhetorical question: Why did you wait seven or eight months to respond? WHY!?
Your letter of 1-24-06 was at least direct and to the point. Thank you. It allows us to move forward, if only a quarter inch.
You state that we needed to supply you with notification of which lease-end option we chose, "within 60 days prior to the expiration" (etc. etc.). We did not do that because we weren't sure when, exactly, the lease was up. Over the years you had, by your own written admission, misplaced our payments, credited our payments to the wrong account(s), over-charged us (then refunded), over-charged us (then attempted not to refund) etc. etc. ad nauseam. In short, our accounts through you have been, almost since day-one, a mess. That's the kindest possible way to phrase it. You didn't even know yourselves what the status of our leases were until June of 2005. So how could we? Peruse the rest of this website and read your own letters to us if you're in doubt about the unprofessionalism with which you've administered our accounts. We have many that we've never posted as well. We finally demanded an accurate accounting, and received such on 6-23-05, stating that the lease in question was already expired by two days. That didn't fit exactly with our records, but it was close enough that, in the interest of simply being DONE with you people on this particular lease, we elected to accept your numbers and dates. In order to fulfill the final requirement of the lease we sent you, on June 29th or 30th, what we believed to be the lease buy-out payment of $1. The amount was incorrect, and that is fully our fault. All or most other HP leases were set up on a $1 buy-out plan; we had asked that this one be set up that way; apparently it was not (what a surprise).
In any case, regarding this we delivered to you the following letter:
Again, we're the first to admit that the amount was incorrect, and that was our fault. Regarding the incorrect amount of the buy-out, why didn't HP contact us by return mail and say, "By the way, the amount you enclosed to buy-out lease # XXXX was incorrect: Please remit the correct amount." Given that simple request we would have researched the account and immediately sent the correct sum. But you couldn't be bothered to reply, just as, as documented earlier in this website, you couldn't be bothered to notify us when YOU "accidentally" applied our lease payment(s) to SOMEONE ELSE'S ACCOUNT!! --Just as you couldn't be bothered to reply to registered letter after registered letter over the past seven months, which repeatedly demanded an explanation for these discrepancies. Just as you couldn't be bothered to respond when your employees were crank-calling our office phone and we were frantically calling law enforcement trying to get it to stop. Just as you couldn't be bothered to respond for, what -- a year? --when one of our large printers went down due to YOUR faulty cartridges. --Just as you couldn't be bothered to respond when you were illegally removing funds from our bank account for "late fees" which we did not owe. How many more examples would you like?
Be that as it may, while you received the wrong amount to buy out lease #TF-EF39609, you did receive the notification of our desire to buy-out the lease. It did not arrive before the lease maturation, because we didn't know what the maturation date was until nearly a week after the lease had actually matured. We didn't and couldn't know the lease maturation date because the account had been in chaos almost since month-one, due to HP's admitted mistakes! Even then, we disagree strongly with the rather sleazy tactic of setting up any customer for additional (outrageous) charges which slip into effect quietly and without announcement, proclamation or real-time notification when the customer does nothing. The practice is akin to those shady on-line "subscriptions" which, in tiny print, offer a reasonable service for a reasonable price per month (and oh -- by the way -- if you forget to cancel, (which we truly hope will be the case) we'll really nail you then!). In some states that kind of crappy business practice has been outlawed. In all states it should be -- yet this peculiar morality is alive and well at Hewlett Packard, isn't it? When a lease is nearing maturation, SEND A NOTICE. You send us twenty spams a day. You send us piles and reams of "special offers" every week and month. Surely, surely you can find the time to notify customers when a lease they've tried not to think of for four years, is nearing maturation and requires some input from the customer. But you don't do that, because you HOPE the customer will forget, and thereby owe you yet another steaming pile of cash for a service that usually wasn't worth the money paid to date in the first place! And you want to cultivate loyalty to the brand....
Bottom line: We're not going to pay you additional "rent" on this account for the seven months you've steadfastly, resolutely, arrogantly, and perhaps illegally refused to answer our inquires about the account. You could have straightened this mess out in June of 2005. You CHOSE, consciously and deliberately, not to do so. So be it. It's YOUR problem.
We're not going to notify you by email (for God's sake) of our decision regarding this or any other lease. You've supplied an email address in your letter above for that purpose. Don't make us laugh. All through this site we've documented times when you've received emails, and we can PROVE (PROVE as in a court of law) your receipt, yet you've refused to act on those emails, or even to acknowledge that you've received them. We've shown all through this website how you have "mysteriously lost" our mailed payments to you, only to "mysteriously find them" 30 or 60 days later. In some cases you claimed NEVER to have found them, and we were put to the exasperation and expense of stopping payments on the missing checks and issuing new ones. Yet you expect us to email you our decisions regarding the final dispositions of our leases, yet to trust you with any emailed decision or important correspondence would be the height of stupidity for ANY of your customers.
You will, instead, accept this registered letter to your registered address as making you aware of our decision to buy out our next lease to mature, namely 500172CD. We believe we know the correct amount for the buy-out. We are asking that you make us aware, by return mail, of YOUR idea of the correct buy-out amount. Let's see if the two figures agree.
We are enclosing herewith a company check for the sum of $295.50, which represents 10% of the original lease amount on account # TF-EF39609. By cashing or depositing this check you are agreeing to accept it as final payment in full for this lease, and, further, you agree to CEASE AND DESIST contacting us regarding this lease. You agree to CEASE AND DESIST billing us for this lease. In short, you agree to LEAVE US ALONE regarding this lease. To break that agreement will only produce more criminal complaints. We don't, not for one New York microsecond, believe this mess has come about "accidentally". We believe, wholeheartedly and completely, that HP Financial Services knew it "should" respond to our demands for clarification over the past seven months, but CHOSE, conscioiusly and deliberately, to continue sending bills as a childish means to harass and annoy us and for no other purpose. No other company on earth would utterly ignore seven full months of registered letters demanding clarification on an account. It simply can't happen "accidentally". There was a purpose to it. We believe that purpose was so that you could continue to annoy and harass, and also cost us more money by racking up more monthly "rental" fees. We believe any judge would agree. We ready (read: eager) to let a judge decide.
In summary, enclosed you will find one check in the amount of $295.50 as final payment in full for lease # TF-EF3960. Accept it and abide by its terms.
You have, via this registered letter, received our notification to buy-out lease # 500172CD which matures on 2-9-2006. Your own words, in your letter above, state that we must notify you "within 60 days" of the maturation of the lease. This letter satisfies that requirement.
We ask for the amount of the buyout of lease # 500172CD at this time, according to YOUR records, in writing, on your letterhead, complete with due date for any such amount.
We are asking if it is possible, at this time, to also buy out our lease # 5001BA35, which represents our last lease through you, which otherwise matures on October 15, 2006. If yes, we request the buy-out amount as of this date, according to YOUR records, in writing, on your letterhead. We'd dearly love to be simply, once and for all, DONE with you miserable sons of b*tches. For the past four years you have absolutely taken the proverbial cake. We do believe you are, collectively, insane.
One last item: You still owe us something like $1100 for the trouble you put us to, and the time we were forced to invest to straighten it out, a year or two ago (see the rest of this website). You have refused to pay; fine; we are willing to let the court decide. If it turns out that we can file suit in Washington state, we will absolutely, positively do so, and you can bank that. If we must sue you in either California, Atlanta or New Jersey, we may or may not get around to filing. We'd love to get you face to face in small claims.
Whether or not we continue to pursue criminal charges of harassment may hinge on whether or not you stop harassing us! Pretty simple concept, right? Please try to grasp it.
In continued disgust and contempt,
The reader notes that HP Financial finally responds, after 7 or 8 months of demands for clarification, delivered to them by registered mail, and after 7 or 8 months of criminal complaints against the company. Even we thought our troubles with HP Financial were finally nearing a close, after nearly five long, painful, years. We were wrong.
On 1-27-2006, per the letter on the previous page, we sent HP Financial Services a check for their version of the payoff (buyout) amount on lease #TF-EF39609. The registered letter stated clearly that by cashing that check, HP Financial Services was agreeing to the sum offer, and was agreeing to never, ever contact us again regarding that lease. The check that was sent to HP also stated clearly that it was FINAL PAYMENT, PAYMENT IN FULL FOR LEASE #TF-EF39609. The cashing of the check constitutes a legal document, agreeing to the terms of said agreement written on the check (we've been down this legal road before). On 2-6-06 HP cashed that check (they actually deposited it on 2-3 but it was debited from our account on 2-6). On 2-6-06 HP sent to us yet another bill for lease #TF-EF39609, shown below. This constitutes a breach of agreement and has generated yet another complaint against HP Financial Services of wilfull, in our view, criminal harassment:
After all HP Financial Services went through to extract from us the 10% buyout sum, which we steadfastly maintained was incorrect, HP has now reversed itself and now claims, in writing, as shown above, that the actual buyout amount is $1. Of course we've already paid $295 to HP Financial Services to settle this lease. It is a fact that HP Financial Services will never muster the professionalism or honor to refund the $294 overpayment.
But as if the above insult wasn't enough, we also received, on 2-6-06, yet another bogus bill from HP Financial Services, this time for an account that's not even ours, and which we've never heard of. See below:
We've blocked out much of the above invoice as a courtesy to Fanatic Promotion Company. We've emailed Joshua Bloom at the company to make him aware of the shenannigans HP Financial Services is pulling with his private account information; we've also asked to hear HIS horror stories about the rogue company, HP Financial Services. Since we've received NO bills other than the bogus bill for $1 shown above for February 2006, we must surmise that HP has sent OUR legitimate bills to......where? The Congo? Maryland Monroe? Jimmy Hoffa? Who bloody knows! We've received NO REPLY to our registered letter from the previous page. It appears that our nightmare with HP Financial Services, and that's exactly what it is -- a NIGHTMARE, is destined to go on, and on, and on, and on, forever. At this particular moment, we find ourselves wishing actual physical, bodily harm upon these people. Perhaps that feeling will, in time, fade. What will it take to rid ourselves of this outfit? Paying off one's leases doesn't do the trick. Appealing to the police doesn't work either. We frankly can't figure out which office to sue or to obtain restraining orders against. So what WOULD rid us of them, once and for all? We have a feeling we KNOW what it would finally take, though the prospect is grim, disturbing, and illegal -- but probably morally correct.
HP Financial Services has sent us one of your bills. This kind of thing with them is common. We have a 12 page website detailing our horrendously unpleasant experiences with HP Financial Services. You may wish to peruse the pertinent page at the following URL:
We would like to hear of any unpleasant experiences you've had with this company.
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave., POB 6 Murray Hill, NJ 07974Registered receipt: 2103 8555 7491 2500 xxxx
On 2-3-06 you cashed our check in the amount of $295.50 marked "full payment; payment in full" for our lease #TF-EF39609. You agreed to our written demand that you never contact us again regarding that paid-off account. Shortly thereafter we received yet another bill from you for that lease (enclosed). We consider this, again, an instance of criminal harassment by HP Financial Services. No reasonable human being would even remotely consider it otherwise. We are filing yet another complaint of criminal, in our opinion, harassment against you for this bogus billing. Cease and desist contacting us regarding lease #TF-EF39609. We do realize that you folks are mentally retarded; therefore we suggest you hand this to your keepers for clarification.
You have been warned for eight months, via registered mail, to cease and desist contacting us for any but legitimate business purposes. On 2-6-06 we received a bill from you (enclosed) for a company we've never heard of (Fanatic Promotion Company in New York), regarding a lease (#5001a23c) we have no connection to. We consider this, yet again, to be another instance of criminal harassment, and we have filed yet another criminal complaint against HP Financial Services regarding this particular instance. Again: Cease and desist contacting us for other than legitimate business purposes (have your guardian(s) read this part to you slowly). We've no doubt that Fanatic Promotions doesn't appreciate its confidential records being mailed out helter-skelter to other businesses or individuals around the world. That is, however, the kind of treatment they can expect to receive at the hands of HP Financial Services, isn't it--
We have asked you via registered mail for the payoff amount on our lease #500172CD. To date you have refused to reply (surprise), and we have received no bill whatever from you for this lease since January of 2006. Once again, we ask you for the payoff (buyout) amount on this printer lease.
We have asked you via registered mail for the payoff amount on our lease #5001BA35. To date you have refused to reply (surprise), and we have received no bill whatever from you for this lease since January of 2006. Once again, we ask you for the payoff (buyout) amount on this printer lease.
Once again, we consider you folks to be several grades beneath the "scum of the earth". The more you jerk us around with childish bullshit like this, the more you add to the website which describes your antics. Consequently, the more you attempt to screw us over, the higher that site inches in the search engine rankings, and the higher the profile of this case -- and your treatment of your customers in general -- becomes. What in the hell do you think you're doing.
Posted to: http://www.hewlett-packard-sucks.com/
In continued disgust and contempt,
Your IP Address:
First Name: Marcus
Last Name: Costa
Email: mvcostaXXX@yahoo.com.br (email address altered for public view)
Message: I'm e-mailing you concerning the problems you're having with HP. I'm also having problems with them (but here in Brazil), and I was searching for Mr. [Hurd's] contact. That's what I found. I don't know if it's correct, but I've sent an e-mail to this adress. Hope it works for you: Mark Hurd, CEO mark.hurd@hp.com Hewlett-Packard Co 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-857-1501 Fax: 650-857-5 [truncated by Outlook -- thanks again, Bill Gates]Unfortunately, addresses like this provide Hurd and others with a "ring of protection" that's difficult or impossible to penetrate -- certainly by design. If you try to mail something in, even using "restricted delivery", one of the staff will represent themselves as Hurd's "legal agent" and intercept the communication; there's no way to prove it ever reached the CEO or other intended target, and it probably has not. If you try to serve Hurd personally through one of the corporate addresses using a process server, the staff either refuses entry to the server, or represents Hurd as not being available, or even there. Process servers will usually only make three attempts before charging an additional $150 or so, to try again. HP knows this, and probably gets great enjoyment from costing its frustrated customers even more money in this manner. We receive emails like the above several times per week. --Seems there's no shortage of HP's
victimscustomers, struggling to get relief -- or, indeed, even a logical reply. We may start posting these emails, as time allows. In order to actually get through to these people (HP employees and execs), literally and figuratively, we're going to need to start finding home addresses for them, so the process servers can catch them coming outdoors for the morning paper, or at the local grocery store or gas station, country club, massage parlor, whatever... It always occurs to us that HP could save a Hell of a lot of money and energy by simply addressing the problems of its customers in a competent, honorable fashion, rather than to spend their lives literally hiding from difficulties that could have been utterly and completely SOLVED by one hour's worth of intelligence and professionalism. Had we ever been stupid enough to invest in this company, which, thankfully, we aren't and never have been, we'd see the handwriting on the wall in instances like this, and would immediately get out.--------------------------------------------------
UPDATE 2-20-06
On 2-20-06 we received yet another stunning piece of stupidity from HP Financial Services. It seems HP now believes it is more powerful than the First Amendment. HP has been trying for the last couple of years to find a legal way to have this website shut down. Fortunately, we maintain the services of a brilliant First Amendment attorney; consequently, HP has been thwarted at every turn. However, slippery, nasty little company that HP is, they have decided to try an "end run" around the First Amendment, by threatening our hosting company. In the complaint shown here, HP has tried to cite ServePath's own abuse policy as a reason to shut down this website. Some hosting companies see this kind of tactic for what it is, and resist it, while some hosting companies simply cave, abandoning in its entirety the First Amendment. In this case, Servepath has caved. This tells us, in one fell swoop, what kind of company ServePath is, and we will immediately begin researching more elightened hosting companies. In the meantime, however, we have set our First Amendment attorney onto this problem. Whether or not we are finally able to force ServePath to continue posting the content is moot -- we will immediately begin mirroring this content on servers around the world. This is another stupid, petty, counter-productive stunt by HP Financial Services, which serves, once again, to demonstrate to the public what kind of people run this outfit. Rather than to stop providing us with content for the website, in the form of idiotic, dishonest, ham-fisted, bone-headed stunts month after month after month, HP has tried to assure that they are able to continue this imbecilic business practice, but to also keep it secret. Trust us, this ploy will have the exact opposite effect. We've been through many First Amendment battles -- this is but another.
UPDATE 7-24-06
This page has been reposted as of this date. We have two months left on our last HP printer contract. HP has sent us a bill for that account roughly every OTHER month for the past five or six months. We have asked HP repeatedly, REPEATEDLY, over and over, via registered mail, over the past six months, to simply provide us with a figure that will pay off this last contract in its entirety so we could remit that amount immediately and be done with this gaggle of jackasses. HP has refused to respond in any way. HP HAS REFUSED TO RESPOND IN ANY WAY. We've kept profanity out of this long, long page for the past four or five YEARS, but, honestly, HP can go fuck itself. We've done huge amounts of business with thousands of companies, large and small, in 23 states and 3 countries over half a century. Many were bad companies. Some were horrible companies. HP, Hewlett Packard, is, by an order of magnitude, the worst company we have ever done business with. It. Is. The. Worst. In every single way, it is the most dishonest, most unprofessional, most backward, most incapable, air-headed, clueless, screwed up, amoral piece of shit we have ever seen. What kind of stupidity will HP grace us with now that this page is re-posted? We can't even begin to imagine, but we guarantee it will be (1) stupid and counter-productive, and (2) entertaining. No matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, every single stunt and shenannigan to come will be posted right here.
UPDATE 8-3-06
Hewlett Packard Corporation & HP Financial Services
420 Mountain Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ 07974Registered receipt # 2103 8555 7490 7843 xxxx
As you know, the lease shown below will mature in Sept. of 2006.
lease # 5001BA35 $163.80
We will be exercising our $1 buyout on this lease. Of course we fully expect you to screw this up, as you have screwed up virtually every other interaction we’ve ever had with you. As always, the details of this interaction may be viewed online.
Let’s see if you can entertain your public one more time before we wash our hands of you miserable genetic blanks for good.
PS: Over the past six months we have received a bill for this lease only every OTHER month. Thanks again.
New development: If, after reading this page, you are STILL not convinced of HP's utter lack of honesty and professionalism, read this.