Seattle Police
610 Fifth Ave
P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, WA
You will consider this a formal complaint of criminal perjury committed by one Carl Lee Johnson, last known residence in Port Ludlow, Washington (Jurisdiction of Jefferson Co. S.O. -- Port Townsend P.D. has also been involved in aspects of the case).
In 1973, it is a fact that Carl Lee Johnson, then age 17, abducted by force a 15 year old female, then known as Rhonda -----------, from a public sidewalk near a business establishment named "The Smoke Shop" in downtown Aberdeen, Washington. The time was roughly 10 or 11 p.m.. Approximately 16-20 people were present in the group from which Ms. -------- was taken. In the neighborhood of 12-16 of these persons witnessed the event directly at a distance of no more than ten feet. Roughly 8-12 of these persons were so alarmed that they immediately ran to their vehicles and began a search, which ultimately turned into a pursuit. One of those involved in this activity is named -------------, now believed to be living in the Phoenix area, though he may possibly have moved to Las Vegas. Another witness was named Robin Valentine, now deceased. Another witness was named James Dominoski, now believed to also be deceased. I was not witness to the original event, however I did witness Carl Johnson bail from the car minutes later, and I was the person who recovered Rhonda -------- from the back seat of the car just minutes after that. With subpoena authority or law enforcement authority, it is a relatively simple matter to track down at least a handful of those witnesses, all of whom will remember the event clearly. It did occur. That it occurred is a fact, not an opinion.
In mid February of 2005 (we can't quite read the day-date on the documents below), Carl Lee Johnson, with the direct assistance of yet another sleazy and amoral (our opinion -- the reader may form his/her own after reviewing the website) Seattle attorney, James Doros, committed criminal perjury by swearing to the court that he was not involved in any kidnapping or abduction of Rhonda ------ in 1973 or at any other time. This is a lie, and since it was made to the court, under oath, it is an instance of perjury.
Carl Johnson made a number (about 17) threatening, harassing calls to Rhonda's workplace in December of 2004. This is a fact. Rhonda tried diligently to prosecute Carl Johnson for these crimes. Unfortunately, Seattle PD being what it is (lazy, incompetent and corrupt), the case was dropped. Rhonda also tried to obtain a simple restraining order against Carl Johnson, as she feared then, and fears now for her life. All attempts to obtain said restraining order were denied by a pro-tem judge (Judge Barbara Harris) who proclaimed (this is on the record) that since any threats Carl Johnson made over the phone were made to a third party (one of Rhonda's employees), and not directly to Rhonda or her husband, no such restraining order could be issued. Of course this is madness. This is yet another in a long and painful legacy of laziness, corruption and incompetence in Western Washington's judicial system. Western Washington's judicial system seems to provide no actual service to the citizenry whatever.
We believe that Carl Johnson's attorney, James Doros, knew clearly and fully that Carl Johnson was committing perjury when he stated to the court that he had neither harassed, called or threatened Rhonda in 2004, and that he had not abducted Rhonda in 1973. No attorney could be that stupid and still find his way home at night. James Doros had to have known. We believe that it is impossible that he did not.
In any case, that Carl Johnson committed at least several instances of perjury by submitting the document shown below, is a fact. These crimes were committed. They are relatively easily provable in court. And if there is to be any deterrent to lying to the courts and to law enforcement by clients and attorneys, crimes of perjury must be prosecuted. If there is no deterrent to perjury, there is absolutely no reason to use the judicial system. That's the state of affairs at this moment in Western Washington -- namely that there is absolutely no reason to use the judicial system. We're even aware of a letter written and sent by the Governor's office stating that [perjury] "is not an activity worthy of a law enforcement investigation."
We submit this complaint to you in order to document this case. We do not for one microsecond believe that the Seattle Police department will lift one finger to investigate this case -- or if it does, it will purposely white-wash the investigation, and will claim that insufficient evidence was uncovered. Even if SPD were to send this up to the prosecutor, it would meet a similar fate there, as that office has demonstrated over and over and over ad nauseam that it prosecutes those it doesn't happen to "like", and ignores the rather heinous crimes of its friends. This is not an opinion -- it's been documented enough times in public forums to qualify as fact. Neither SPD nor the prosecutor will investigate or prosecute the crimes of Carl Johnson. We state this publicly. It is a foregone conclusion. We (all 16 or 20 of us) knew this instinctively way back in 1973, which is why not one of us even thought of calling the police! It would have been a waste of time then, just as it is now. We have documented and made public numerous instances of police corruption over the past few years. Your office is painfully aware of this. Because of our disgust for corruption, and our public dissemination of it, Seattle PD has elected to white-wash any and all complaints we bring to its attention. This is documentable and clear-cut. We expect no more honorable treatment in this case either. We bring this case to your attention publicly partly as a means of documenting yet another instance of corruption, laziness and incompetence on the part of Seattle P.D. We submit this to you by registered mail so that you cannot claim you never received it. Still, we have publicly documented cases on the Internet in which we've delivered other complaints to Western Washington law enforcement by registered mail, and have then received letters from those agencies legally and formally attesting that no such documents were ever delivered to them. In one case we showed registered mail receipts for roughly 35 letters sent by us -- and next to those receipts we've posted the letters from that agency stating point-blank that they received no such letters. Western Washington is corrupt -- and Seattle PD is corrupt. We expect nothing from you but chaos and confusion. Still, we are compelled to file this complaint because at this moment that's all we can do.
You will receive a second, separate complaint from the victim in the next weeks. Both of us ask and demand to be issued a case number so that we can track this through the system. Of course no such case number will ever be issued. We're aware of a case some years ago in which two lesbian Seattle City employees filed a complaint of rape against a former co-worker. Seattle PD issued a case number and investigated that complaint vigorously, leaving no stone unturned. Unfortunately (for SPD) the perpetrator had been in Europe for several months at the time of the alledged rape. When he returned and was confronted with the complaint, he filed his own complaint against the two women. Despite his best efforts over a period of some 18 months (and we followed the case closely), Seattle PD refused to issue him a case number. SPD utterly ignored every single request, and then demand, for a case number. SPD did not investigate his complaint. The women were never so much as reprimanded. This is how you folks operate. Based on conversations with relatives employed as SPD officers and in other positions in Western Washington government, we know for a fact this is how you've always operated. We expect nothing more than corruption, laziness and incompetence in this case as well.
You may peruse this case at the following URL:
I'm happy to interact with you by mail, and to supply you with any and all documentation you may require or desire. All correspondence will be in writing. We trust you slightly less than we trust druggies and pedophiles, and we find it increasingly difficult to even be civil to you.
In disgust,
Jefferson County Sheriff
79 Elkins Road
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Copy to:
Port Townsend Police Department
607 Water St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Please consider this a formal complaint of criminal perjury committed by one Carl Lee Johnson, last known residence in Port Ludlow, Washington.
In 1973, it is a fact that Carl Lee Johnson, then age 17, abducted by force a 15 year old female, then known as Rhonda -------------, from a public sidewalk near a business establishment named "The Smoke Shop" in downtown Aberdeen, Washington. The time was roughly 10 or 11 p.m.. Approximately 16-20 people were present in the group from which Ms. _________ was taken. In the neighborhood of 12-16 of these persons witnessed the event directly at a distance of no more than ten feet. Roughly 8-12 of these persons were so alarmed that they immediately ran to their vehicles and began a search, which ultimately turned into a pursuit. One of those involved in this activity is named ----------------, now believed to be living in the Phoenix area, though he may possibly have moved to Las Vegas. Another witness was named Robin Valentine, now deceased. Another witness was named James Dominoski, now believed to also be deceased. I was not witness to the original event, however I did witness Carl Johnson bail from the car minutes later, and I was the person who recovered Rhonda ----------- from the back seat of the car just minutes after that. With subpoena authority or law enforcement authority, it is a relatively simple matter to track down at least a handful of those witnesses, all of whom will remember the event clearly. It did occur. That it occurred is a fact, not an opinion.
In mid February of 2005 (we can't quite read the day-date on the documents below), Carl Lee Johnson, with the direct assistance of yet another sleazy and amoral (our opinion -- the reader may form his/her own after reviewing the website) Seattle attorney, James Doros, committed criminal perjury by swearing to the court that he was not involved in any kidnapping or abduction of Rhonda --------- in 1973 or at any other time. This is a lie, and since it was made to the court, under oath, it is an instance of perjury.
Carl Johnson made a number (about 17) threatening, harassing calls to Rhonda's workplace in December of 2004. This is a fact. Rhonda tried diligently to prosecute Carl Johnson for these crimes. Unfortunately, Seattle PD being what it is (lazy, incompetent and corrupt), the case was dropped. Rhonda also tried to obtain a simple restraining order against Carl Johnson, as she feared then, and fears now for her life. All attempts to obtain said restraining order were denied by a pro-tem judge (Judge Barbara Harris) who proclaimed (this is on the record) that since any threats Carl Johnson made over the phone were made to a third party (one of Rhonda's employees), and not directly to Rhonda or her husband, no such restraining order could be issued. Of course this is madness. This is yet another in a long and painful legacy of laziness, corruption and incompetence in Western Washington's judicial system. Western Washington's judicial system seems to provide no actual service to the citizenry whatever.
We believe that Carl Johnson's attorney, James Doros, knew clearly and fully that Carl Johnson was committing perjury when he stated to the court that he had neither harassed, called or threatened Rhonda in 2004, and that he had not abducted Rhonda in 1973. No attorney could be that stupid and still find his way home at night. James Doros had to have known. We believe that it is impossible that he did not.
In any case, that Carl Johnson committed at least several instances of perjury by submitting the document shown below, is a fact. These crimes were committed. They are relatively easily provable in court. And if there is to be any deterrent to lying to the courts and to law enforcement by clients and attorneys, crimes of perjury must be prosecuted. If there is no deterrent to perjury, there is absolutely no reason to use the judicial system. That's the state of affairs at this moment in Western Washington -- namely that there is absolutely no reason to use the judicial system. We're even aware of a letter written and sent by the Governor's office stating that [perjury] "is not an activity worthy of a law enforcement investigation."
We submit this complaint to you because Carl lives in your district.
You will receive a second, separate complaint from the victim in the next weeks. Both of us ask to be issued a case number so that we can track this through the system.
You may peruse this case at the following URL:
I'm happy to interact with you by mail, and to supply you with any and all documentation you may require or desire. We prefer that all correspondence be in writing.

Jefferson County Sheriff
79 Elkins Road
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Seattle Police
610 Fifth Ave
P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, WA
My name is Rhonda XXXXXX. I work at XXXXXXXX Ave, in Seattle, Wa., XXXXX.
Please consider this a formal complaint of perjury against one Carl Johnson, 3603 Oak Bay Road, Port Ludlow, Washington, 98365.
In 1973, when I was 15 years old, I was abducted by force late one night from a sidewalk in downtown Aberdeen by Carl Johnson and an accomplice named “Pete” (last name as yet unknown) in Aberdeen, Washington. I was held for roughly 30 minutes against my will, during which time I was threatened repeatedly and forced to lay on the floor, in the back of a vehicle while it raced through the streets of Aberdeen. There were roughly 15-20 witnesses to this event, many of whom could be located today with either subpoena authority, or law enforcement authority. Many of these witnesses formed an impromptu rescue effort and forced the vehicle off the road as it headed for a remote, wooded area. I was recovered from this vehicle more or less unharmed. No police were contacted as the Aberdeen police were not known for their professionalism or attention to duty. It would have been a waste of time.
I have been harassed by Carl Johnson repeatedly over the past 30 odd years. In December of 2004 his harassment reached a proportion which forced me to seek protection by contacting the Seattle Police Department. As expected, this, too, was a waste of time. My husband and I then set out to obtain anti-harassment orders against Carl Johnson. On February 15th, 2005, Carl Johnson was subpoenaed to show up in court in Seattle, Washington in this regard. On that date, with the direct assistance of his attorney, one James A. Doros, Carl Johnson did lie to the court by signing a statement (attached herein) and submitting it formally to the court, in which he denied the original abduction in 1973, and all subsequent harassment. This is a lie. It was submitted to the court in a direct effort to avoid prosecution and to avoid being legally restrained from contacting me.
I have documented that this complaint is being formally submitted to you, and I am taking steps to make this document public.
I may be reached at XXXXXXXXX most work days.

Will the two above complaints elicit any action at all from any Washington state law enforcement agency? Absolutely, positively not. Victims are on their own in this state. It. Is. A. Documented. Fact.
Update 5-4-06
It is now roughly four (4) months since the above perjury complaints were submitted by two different complainants, to two different Washington law enforcement agencies, and signed for by both agencies. The Jefferson County Sheriff's office responded within days, politely, comprehensively, and offered information to help the case along. Seattle Police, on the other hand, as predicted above, have refused to muster the simple professionalism or basic human dignity to respond to either complaint, in any way, shape or form. This kind of behavior is, of course, the very essence of the Seattle Police Department -- always has been, and probably always will be. The department consists of society's scum.
We certainly have the option of forcing this through the system by filing a citizen's complaint, using Washington's due process laws. In that case, it would by-pass the Seattle Police department, and even the prosecutor's office, which is, as everyone knows, exactly as corrupt as Seattle PD. We are considering whether there would be any point in pursuing that route. The charge of perjury is easily proven against Carl, after all. But why does Seattle PD and the King County prosecutor's office so steadfastly refuse to do its job? Because both offices are nothing more than a gang -- a gang which does what it wants, when it wants, or not, and hang that pesky, inconvenient thing called the law.
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